Raspberry Pi 5 shown emulating Nintendo Wii and GameCube games

2023-10-06 17:57:00

O Raspbery Pi 5 was recently announced and one of its highlights is the brand’s first own processor, as you may know. Now, if you didn’t have much idea before regarding what this chip can do, we have a small sample of its firepower.

At least, that’s what can be seen in the video published by user Leepspvideo, who is in possession of a copy of the card and used it to emulate the consoles GameCube e Nintendo Wii. In this sense, the games were run with the emulator Dolphinthe same one that was going to be released on Steam, but was blocked.

In the videos released, good performance can be seen with GameCube games, such as Car Modeller. However, it was still possible to notice some brief moments of slowness during the game. In this sense, the ideal is to always keep the computer well cooled to avoid suffering from performance drops.

In relation to the Wii, the situation is a little worse, as the games shown run at a slower speed, even if it is stable. Even so, this detail may be overcome through a small overclock so that the card works at higher frequencies.

Not only that, but it’s worth remembering that the Raspberry Pi 5 hasn’t even been officially launched yet, which means that it can still undergo improvements with updates until it becomes available to the public. The author of the videos also stated that he had encountered latency, but this should be fixed with updates.

Meanwhile, also see a product that proved to be an interesting competitor to the board, called Orange Pi Zero.

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