The zoo said the young animal was in good health and very lively. It has not yet been shown to zoo visitors. The tiger’s parents are Tila and Kasih. The mother was born in 2011 at Chester Zoo in England. Father Kasih was born in 2014 at Beauval Zoo in France.
“An important birth”
“It is a very important birth of great scientific importance, because the Sumatran tiger, which lives in the tropical forests of the Indonesian island, is one of the six living subspecies most at risk of extinction,” said the zoo Rome with.
Video: The zoo released adorable photos from the tiger enclosure
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According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Sumatran tigers are threatened with extinction. It is estimated that there are now fewer than 400 large cats living in the wild. Not only are poachers targeting them, rampant deforestation has also severely restricted their habitat.
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