Rare strain of meningococcus B: 6 cases, one death, ARS alert… the meningitis epidemic is progressing in Alsace

The Grand-Est Regional Health Agency has reported invasive meningococcal infections in young adults in the Strasbourg sector.

Should we be worried regarding the number of meningococcal B cases detected in Alsace in recent weeks?

The bacterium has been reported since mid-November and has infected a few people in the Grand-Est and the Regional Health Agency is calling for vaccination.

Six cases detected and one deceased

Meningococci are bacteria that can cause very serious illnesses such as meningitis or septicemia and are transmitted through the air or through saliva. They are normally present in the throat and nose of many people, as clarified l’ARS.

Since November 3, 2022, 6 cases of invasive group B meningococcal disease were detected in the Strasbourg conurbation: 5 people from the Strasbourg conurbation and one person from Colmar. One of the infected isyou died.

The latest is a 16 year olds who resides in the Bas-Rhin. He had to be hospitalized, as stated l’ARS.

A transmission in discotheque

All the people who have been infected are young adults and they must have been in contact with the bacteria during evenings in bars or nightclubs in the center of Strasbourg, including the Live Club establishment.

“The case residing in Colmar has indirect links with the Strasbourg conurbation through several people around him”, specify the health authorities.

A rare and unknown strain that continues to circulate

These 6 people were infected with the same strain of meningococcal B. A rare strain and hitherto unknown in the Grand-Est.

This additional case shows that this bacterial strain continues to circulate in Alsace.

Especially since a person can be infected and asymptomatic, but can contaminate it. Hence a transmission that is not easy to control.

What to do ?

The ARS recommends monitoring suggestive symptoms such as stiffness in the neck, sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting, violent headaches, fatigue, body aches, red or purplish spots on the skin, convulsions…

And especially reminds the public frequenting the nightlife places in the city center of Strasbourg and the professionals of these places that it is recommended to be vaccinated, as soon as possible, once morest meningococcus B, in order to avoid the occurrence of serious forms. of the disease.

Vaccination includes a first injection and a booster at least one month later.

To answer questions regarding this vaccination campaign, a toll-free number has been set up: 0 800 32 04 00 (free call, service open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday).

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