Rare Sighting of Orca Off Belgium Coast – Rescue Efforts Underway

2023-10-29 11:42:00

This is the first time this has happened off our coast. Indeed, this morning, an orca was seen off our coast in Koksijde near Ster der Zee. The marine mammal would swim towards France.

Baby otter rescued from orca attack in Alaska

It was Kelle Moreau, spokesperson for the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, who saw the animal as reported by our colleagues at HLN. “These marine mammals do not live here. The question is therefore where he comes from and what his state of health is. He swam 50 meters from the coast and this immediately attracted the curiosity of a few hundred people. The orca is currently a little deeper in the sea and swimming towards France. We have everything prepared in case the orca runs aground,” she explains before continuing, “A veterinarian is on standby and the security services have also been notified. Let’s hope it stays in the sea. Last year, a female orca washed up on the coast of Cadzand in the Netherlands. The animal did not survive. This time, it’s a male orca. We can see it from the dorsal fin. In the sea we leave the animal alone. It is only when it washes up on the shore that we act”.

#Extremely #rare #fact #male #orca #coast #Koksijde

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