Rare Neurological Complications of COVID-19 in Children – Case Study of a 15-Year-Old Patient

2023-12-27 04:09:59

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    Her mild corona infection was two weeks ago. Suddenly a 15-year-old develops life-threatening symptoms. The patient was treated for a year.

    Boston – The coronavirus is treacherous. An infection can even have consequences on the brain and kidneys – keyword Long Covid. In the USA, a girl was suddenly admitted to the emergency room with shortness of breath after Corona. The 15-year-old had to undergo emergency surgery. Only after countless tests did it become clear that she was suffering from a rare corona-related disease – vocal cord paralysis.

    Girl (15) falls ill with Corona – and suffers from a rare secondary illness

    A team of researchers describes the dramatic case of the young patient in a current study in the journal Pediatrics. The 15-year-old was therefore healthy before Covid. Then a corona infection turned the girl’s life upside down.

    A dramatic case reveals a rare corona disease. (Symbolic photo) © AndreyPopov/imago

    The virus affected nerves and paralyzed her vocal cords on both sides. She could no longer breathe properly. It was obviously an odyssey until it was clear what was behind her complaints. The girl was treated for a year.

    Possible Neurological complications after a corona infection in children, such as headaches, seizures and strokes are known. But it can also lead to neuropathic sequelae in children and teenagers, as scientific work now shows.

    Neuropathies in Sars-CoV-2 infections

    Neuropathies are known consequences of viral infections, which also occur after Sars-CoV-2 infections. However, the case of the 15-year-old suggests that vocal cord paralysis could be an additional neuropathic sequela of the virus, according to the study authors. Vocal cord paralysis has been observed in adults following a Covid diagnosis, but has not yet been detected in people this young.

    Neuropathic corona complications are rare – the current case shows possible complications

    Long-term consequences after a mild course of Corona: 15-year-old develops life-threatening symptoms

    Back to the case of the 15-year-old girl. The young person experienced symptoms such as constipation, fever and fatigue after a corona infection, the research team reports in the study documentation. An antigen test at home was positive. The symptoms then subsided after five days. Shortness of breath and shortness of breath were particularly noticeable during activity nine days after the positive corona test. After another four days, the 15-year-old got worse: the girl was taken to hospital with shortness of breath. The corona infection was two weeks ago at the time. The corona test was negative.

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    Peripheral neuropathy is defined as a disorder of one or more peripheral nerves (the part of a nerve distal to the root and plexus).

    Those: MSD Manual

    Laryngeal examination initially revealed paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM). The girl was referred to outpatient speech therapy and received traditional treatment. However, the patient’s condition did not improve. On the contrary: in addition to breathing problems, there was weakness, numbness and tingling feelings as well as unsteady gait. Only a tracheostomy – a surgical procedure – led to relief.

    Lengthy diagnosis

    According to the study documentation, the patient underwent numerous examinations and a variety of tests to rule out other causes of the vocal fold paralysis. MRIs of the brain and spine were also normal. The 15-year-old was dependent on a tracheostomy for 13 months.

    Long Covid is not a new phenomenon. Some patients also take a long time to recover from other viral infections. A study shows the differences.(ml)

    #Rare #coronarelated #disease #girl #suffers #lifethreatening #symptoms

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