Rare disease │ “Amyloidosis” damages the heart, kidneys and stomach, and the half-year mortality rate can reach 25% – Sky Post – Health – Other Diseases

Former Pakistani President Musharraf died in early February at the age of 79. His family revealed last year that he was hospitalized for amyloidosis. Cardiologists in Hong Kong said that the disease is a rare disease, which is caused by the accumulation of abnormal proteins outside the cells in the body, resulting in impaired organ function. In severe cases, the mortality rate within half a year is as high as 25%, and it is difficult to prevent and treat. The public is urged to regularly Perform a physical examination for clues.

Gao Yaojun, a specialist in cardiology, said that the cause of “amyloidosis” is that abnormal proteins (mostly “amyloid”) continue to increase and accumulate outside the cells, making cells and related organs unable to function normally. The protein is generally insoluble and difficult to remove, and there are more than ten reasons for its formation. One of the more common causes is gene mutations that cause the liver to produce amyloid protein. Another reason is bone marrow cancer. Produce problematic bone marrow cells and flow to different places with the blood, accumulating in the heart, liver and kidney, nerves, and intestines and stomach.”

Abnormal protein accumulation damages organs

Highly pointed out, depending on the location of the organ where the protein accumulates, it may cause different symptoms. “For example, when it accumulates in the heart, it will affect the function of the heart muscle. Even if it pumps blood, it cannot relax, causing the body to lack oxygen, edema, and even irregular heartbeat, etc.” ; If it accumulates in the kidneys, it may cause “proteinuria”; if it accumulates in the stomach, it will also interfere with intestinal peristalsis and absorption, resulting in thinning of the body; if it accumulates in the nerves, it can cause neuralgia and dizziness.

He continued, “Amyloidosis” is a rare disease, but its symptoms are easily mistaken for other diseases, and treatment may even be delayed. “For example, some people may mistakenly believe that high blood pressure is caused by an ultrasound scan due to abnormal heart conditions.” Ordinary blood or urine tests are also difficult to confirm the diagnosis. Generally, invasive examinations are required, and the cause of the disease can only be determined by examining the protein under a microscope following tissue collection.

Easy to confuse with other diseases and delay treatment

Gao Yaojun did not deny that “amyloidosis” is difficult to prevent, and it is not easy to treat. He described it as “even worse than cancer.” He explained that in the past, it was generally tried to reduce the production of abnormal proteins from the source to control the patient’s condition, such as clearing the cancer cells in the bone marrow. However, the “amyloid deposition disease” caused by gene mutations was basically incurable in the past, and it did not start until recent years. Acupuncture treatments for specific causes are available.

Amyloid deposits in organs can lead to continuous organ degeneration. Gao pointed out that the risk of this disease is quite high. In severe cases, the mortality rate can reach 25% within a few months to six months, and the mortality rate within one to two years is also high. The best way to prevent it is to have regular physical examinations. He said: “Although it is difficult to find the problem with general testing, blood tests can still be used to find out whether there is a specific protein loss, reflecting whether the kidney function has deteriorated, and the electrocardiogram may also show a decrease in the current.” Symptoms such as edema and heart failure are diagnosed as “amyloid deposition disease”.

Organs Most Commonly Affected by Adverse Proteins:

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Body warning signs︳Severe back pain or risk of internal organ diseases Doctor: 8 major symptoms need to seek medical attention as soon as possible, see details:[next page]

Written by: Ou Wenhan

Responsible editor: Lin Zifeng

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