Raquel Sánchez Silva conquers the stage as Emilia singing ‘No se ve’

Raquel Sánchez Silva has shown in Tu cara me suena 11 that she grows in the face of difficulties. In the second Semi-Final, she had to become a finalist and she decided to go for it with the challenge that the buzzer posed to her: Emilia and her hit ‘No_se_ve.mp3’. That’s why she had a great time and passed on that excitement to the audience, knowing that there is no better reward than giving it all on stage.

The presenter, who has faced complicated dances throughout the season, has found herself here with the greatest of her choreographic challenges. Precisely for that reason, this number has been a perfect demonstration of her evolution on the show, from that Jennifer Lopez with more mechanical movements to this explosive performance.

Raquel’s youthful spirit did the rest, as her enthusiasm and her daring and sensual attitude captivated the spectators. Everything flowed smoothly and it was a real spectacle. Don’t miss it in the video!

The second semi-final was full of stellar moments, such as the duet that took place just before. Fran Perea visited the studio to sing alongside Juanta Bonet, who became him to sing an anthem like ‘Uno más uno son siete’.

The original and the copy have shown wonderful chemistry and a great deal of complicity. Juanra seemed like a mirror image of Fran and the two together have created an atmosphere as magical as it is nostalgic.



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