Raphael is awarded for his career as an actor » Crónica Viva

Spanish singer and actor Raphael receives this Friday at the 26th Malaga Festival the Biznaga City of Paradise Award, A recognition of his career in the cinema. In addition, Raphael has held a meeting with the media in which he has declared himself a “fan” of the seventh art in his country and has expressed his desire to continue working as an actor.

The director of the film competition, Juan Antonio Vigar, He presented the meeting and explained that the Biznaga Ciudad del Paraíso Award is reserved for “the essentials of Spanish cinema” and described Raphael’s presence at the festival as “pride”.

“I am happy, happy to be here. I am so excited regarding this award because, although I have many awards and gold records, they refer to music. Three years ago the Platino Awards gave me my first film award and it seemed strange to me that they didn’t give it to me in Spain. Two years later this came up, and I hope it continues!” Raphael began.

The artist has described his films as “very acceptable” and “directed by the best”, such as director Mario Camus or Vicente Escrivá. “I’m going to try to combine my concerts in person with the odd movie, as long as the script is very good,” he has advanced.

“I’m going to find a place to shoot. I would like the public to see in me that other side, the cinematographic one. When I tried, all the films were like a shot, and I am determined to continue ”, has been proposed.

Regarding what kind of film to make, Raphael has assured that he likes “what is good, whatever the genre.” “I am always very advanced, and I like how Spanish cinema is made now. I would like to work with everyone ”, he said, following which he expressed the wish that his own son Jacobo record a film regarding him.

“I am a fan of Spanish cinema”, the winner has sentenced, to which Vigar has responded: “Well, you might not have come to a better place”. Raphael has defended that Málaga “is top in everything; First things first, its people” and has encouraged people to visit the city to be “amazed”.

Questioned regarding the differences between singing and acting in front of the camera, he has assured that for him “it is the same”. “I express myself in the same way, and I need a very good director to tell me to turn him down,” confessed the man from Linares, who highlighted his film ‘El golfo’ (1969) as the one of which he feels most proud and in which looks more represented.

“Apart from the talent, I have a tremendously loyal audience that has known how to wash my work for a new audience. For an artist like me, all feelings, it’s very nice to see theaters full of young and not so young people. There are already almost six generations that come together, and it is very emotional”, the artist has reflected on its validity.

His recommendation to the youth has been that they not be careless with alcohol or tobacco: “Let them study, but don’t get drunk on studying either; and that they be good people, that the rest comes out alone ”. “I have tried to preserve myself as well as possible. I take good care of myself, I don’t smoke or drink. They won’t let me either. And the public is not that they take care of me, it is that they pamper me ”, he has indicated.

“This award, like all the awards I receive, is dedicated to my wife, my children and my audience,” he stressed. “Where do you put so many?” The press has asked him. “Awards or public?” Raphael replied with humor: “Everyone fits in my heart”.



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