Rape at Neustifter Kirtag? 18-year-old questioned

The young Viennese woman is said to have been dragged into a side street and raped by an unknown man. During questioning, she could hardly remember any details, according to police spokeswoman Julia Schick. “The situation is unclear,” said Schick.

The investigators are now hoping to gain further information by evaluating the medical examination that the 18-year-old underwent after the crime on Friday. According to Schick, however, this is not expected for a few days at the earliest. The Viennese woman’s clothing – a dirndl – is believed to have remained undamaged.

Pushed by security guard

According to a media report, the rape was committed on Friday at the fair. The 18-year-old was at the fair with a friend from Lower Austria. She was allowed in, but the friend was turned away by a security guard, pushed and made to fall. The Viennese woman met her again about an hour later and told her about the rape.

The two young women turned to emergency services staff and police officers, who looked after them, took the report and took them to a hospital, where the Viennese woman was also examined for signs of rape.



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