Ranking the Best 4 Cheese Pizzas in Belgium: A Comprehensive Consumer Test and Price Comparison

2023-10-07 13:00:00

New episode of our consumer test series. As a reminder, every week we test products on sale in the five supermarket chains (Delhaize, Colruyt, Aldi, Lidl and Carrefour) by comparing the major brands to “white products” or distributor brands. The final score for each product is out of 20 points: 2.5 points for the appearance of the packaging, the appearance of the product, the nutritional value and the readability of the label, and 5 points for the taste and the quality-ratio. price. This week, we tested four cheese pizzas, the best-selling frozen pizza in Belgium.

Appearance of the packaging: Ristorante, by Dr Oetker. Everyone knows the reference brand for this test. The packaging seems to have been the same forever. It works, but a little facelift would still be welcome. For Aldi, it is a fairly pale copy of the big brand. On the other hand, Lidl does very well with something very modern and which really highlights the product. The same goes for Colruyt and Delhaize. For Intermarché, there was too much information on the box, it was too “aggressive”. Finally, Carrefour makes do with plastic packaging with a small label, it’s difficult to rate.

Frozen pizzas are the subject of our big consumer test of the week: the pleasant surprise comes from Delhaize (COMPARATIVE)

Appearance of the product: Overall, it was pretty decent. We simply regret the lack of cheese for the Colruyt pizza. It was barely better for Delhaize. Carrefour and Intermarché were in fact the only ones to offer a pizza with a large layer of cheese. Lidl and the big brand were really similar.

Nutritional value: Nutri-Score D for everyone, no surprise.

Readability of the label: it was very correct for all of the products. It must be said that there is room on a pizza box to offer something clear and written quite large. Only the big brand failed, it was too difficult to read.

The big brand test: here is the coffee to select for a quality wake-up call (COMPARATIVE)

Taste: we start at the bottom of the ranking with Intermarché. If the pizza was tempting and had a thicker dough than the others, it simply had no taste… Another disappointment: the big brand. It tasted mostly like spices, and we’re still looking for the taste of cheese. The remark is the same for Aldi, moreover. For Carrefour, it also lacked a little taste, but it was still a little better. For Delhaize and Colruyt, it lacked a little cheese but the taste was very good, especially at Colruyt. Finally, it is Lidl which wins this test. Everything was there for a good tasting. But, let’s be clear, nothing beats a real pizza from a good Italian restaurant!

Value for money: here is the price for a pizza in order: Aldi (€1.54), Colruyt and Delhaize (€1.55), Lidl (€1.59), Intermarché (€1.79), Ristorante (€2.79) and Carrefour (€2.99).

A very nice surprise in our consumer test of the week on Bolognese sauces, even if nothing beats the mamma recipe (COMPARATIVE)The 4 cheese pizzas on the test bench ©IPM Graphics
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