2023-07-11 17:39:16
This was not originally planned. “id”:1950070,”type”:”num”,”link”:”https://dtf.ru/games/1950070-akter-ozvuchki-druida-halsina-iz-baldur-s- gate-3-podtverdil-chto-ego-personazh-stal-kompanonom-blagodarya-igrokam”,”gtm”:””,”prevCount”:null,”count”:46,”isAuthorized”:false “id” :1950070,”type”:1,”typeStr”:”content”,”showTitle”:false,”initialState”:”isActive”:false,”gtm”:”” “id”:1950070,” gtm”:null 2357 views During Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access, the druid Halsin became one of the most popular characters in the first act – at least among girls. That is why he was given so much attention at the final presentation of Panel from Hell with that sensational scene. “osnovaUnitId”: null, “url”: ” “place”: “post_inside”, “site”: “dtf”, “settings”: “modes”:”externalLink”:”buttonLabels”:[“u0423u0437u043du0430u0442u044c”,”u0427u0438u0442u0430u0442u044c”,”u041du0430u0447u0430u0442u044c”,”u0417u0430u043au0430u0437u0430u0442u044c”,”u041au0443u043fu0438u0442u044c”,”u041fu043eu043bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044c”,”u0421u043au0430u0447u0430u0442u044c”,”u041fu0435u0440u0435u0439u0442u0438″]”,”deviceList”:”desktop”:”u0414u0435u0441u043au0442u043eu043f”,”smartphone”:”u0421u043cu0430u0440u0442u0444u043eu043d u044b”,”tablet”:”u041fu043bu0430u043du0448u0435u0442u044b” However, according to actor Dave Jones, who voiced Halsin, his character became a companion only thanks to the love of fans . If it weren’t for the fans who warmly welcomed him, and Larian who reads everything, this bear would have remained an NPC. I am the voice of Khalsin and I am eternally grateful to you. Dave Jones, actor Probably the drow Mintara also became a companion for this reason – or at least because they decided to make Halsin a companion. The history of these two characters in Early Access is mutually exclusive, and it is unlikely that they can be taken to the squad at the same time. Thus, Larian needed a replacement for Halsin if players decided to go down the path of a villain. Larian head Sven Winke talked regarding the villain’s path and one of the scenes with Mintara in a separate interview. “I don’t look at player stats so they don’t influence my decisions”: Sven Winke on the villain’s path in Baldur’s Gate 3 Editorials This article contains spoilers.
#Druid #voice #actor #Halsin #Baldurs #Gate #confirmed #character #companion #players