‘Rani Girls’ Hockey Turf’; First stadium named after a female hockey player

Rae Bareli: First stadium named after women’s hockey player. MCF Rae Bareli Stadium is ready for this historic change. The stadium will now be known after Rani Rampal, the former heroine of the Indian women’s hockey team. It was renamed as Rani Girls Hockey Turf.

It is the first time in the history of the sport that a stadium has been named after a women’s hockey player. Rani said that naming the stadium after his contribution to hockey is beyond words. The 28-year-old star has played more than 250 matches in the international jersey. After the Tokyo Olympics, he missed the World Cup and the Commonwealth Games due to injury, but returned to action through the Hockey Pro League.

STORY HIGHLIGHTS: stadium named after indian hockey star rani rampal

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