Raise funds for Alzheimer’s by walking

On May 29, Quebecers will gather across Quebec to celebrate the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s.

This is the largest fundraising event in the country that directly supports people with dementia and their loved ones.

Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, new spokesperson for the Quebec Federation of Societies
Alzheimer, will be present for the occasion and will walk there with his family to collect

« Walking allows you to feel in action, to overcome the feeling of powerlessness and
to support an important cause. Because it is high time to break the taboos surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and to raise awareness of its issues, I am proud to get involved as spokesperson for the Quebec Federation of Alzheimer Societies,” said
Anne-Elisabeth Bossé.

“Let us continue to deepen the research and above all, to support those who face it, directly and indirectly. The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s provides funding for services offered to people living with Alzheimer’s and their loved ones in all regions of Quebec “, she continued.

Now in its 16th edition, the Walk for Alzheimer’s IG Management of
heritage has raised several million dollars since its creation.

The funds raised are essential to finance the services offered by the Societies
Alzheimer’s which include assistance for people who have just received a diagnosis, respite for caregivers, support, education
and consultations.

« This year once more, neurocognitive disorders isolate more than 163,000 Quebecers
including 8,778 Lanaudoises and Lanaudois over the age of 65. By 2040, it is estimated that the
number of Quebecers affected will reach 300,000 people, including 18,163 from Lanaudière
and Lanaudois over 65 years old
», maintains Pierre-Hugues Sylvestre, general manager of the Alzheimer Society of Lanaudière.

« More than 50% of people who receive a diagnosis at a moderate or advanced stage; it is therefore crucial to promote rapid detection and early management so that a greater number of people can benefit from the services offered by the Société Alzheimer de Lanaudière. It is crucial that people with cancer and caregivers can be reached throughout the journey “, he added.

In Quebec, the March will take place in 22 cities including Amos, Montreal and Saint George de Beauce. In Lanaudière, the Walk will be completely virtual once more this year, and everyone will be able to walk for the cause in their own way.

By joining one of these local walks, participants are making a difference
positive and effective in the lives of those affected.

The steps to follow to get involved are simple, since all you have to do is register at walkforalzheimer.ca, and show a little creativity while walking, in order to accumulate kilometers and funds for the cause.

Thus, whether by taking the stairs or walking a pet, everyone’s enthusiasm to support those concerned will be rewarded by the increase in funds raised.

Acting while having fun to raise funds

Several ways to provide support are accessible to everyone, since it is not just a question of joining a regional march on May 29; it is also possible to be generous by taking a photo, or capturing a video, during a personal walk, by posting it on social networks and by including the hashtag #MarchepourlAlzheimerIG.

It is also regarding being able to make a donation on the website accessible at marchepourlalzheimer.ca if the heart tells us.

Multiple initiatives with the aim of uniting

The Société Alzheimer de Lanaudière is an independent community organization whose mandate is to provide information and support services to families and
people affected by Alzheimer’s disease throughout the territory of the
Lanaudière region.

To do this, it sets up multiple actions such as awareness campaigns on the disease, individual and family meetings, discussion groups for caregivers, two support groups for people affected at the onset of the disease. , a program Respite Accompaniment Stimulation at homefrom
conferences, training for caregivers, stakeholders and
managers, and it shares references to other resources and several other services.

To learn more regarding the organization, you can consult its website at sadl.org

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