Rains with electrical activity are expected in several regions of Venezuela

  • The agency added that the proximity of tropical wave 39 will affect atmospheric conditions in the coming days | Photo: José Daniel Ramos

The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) predicts that it will rain in several states of the country during the afternoon of Friday, September 20, in contrast to the early hours of the day when clear skies will predominate.

The agency forecast that there will be rainfall of varying intensity with possible electrical discharges in the Capital District and in the states of Miranda, Aragua, Carabobo, Amazonas, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro, Monagas, Anzoátegui, Sucre, central plains, the Andes, Falcón and Zulia.

In Greater Caracas (Miranda, Capital District and La Guaira), the Inameh meteorological report predicts that cloudiness will increase, generating variable rainfall in the late afternoon and early evening.

The agency also noted that weather conditions in the coming days could be affected by the approach of tropical wave number 39.

For coastal states, Inameh said strong waves of up to 1.5 meters high are expected on the eastern coast and in the Gulf of Venezuela.

Photo: @K3Y_Albarracin | Twitter

Precipitation during September

Hydrometeorological engineer Valdemar Andrade warned on September 3 that during the ninth month of the year there could be heavy rains in Venezuela.

Andrade explained in an interview for Union Radio In August, rainfall was twice as high as estimated, while the rainfall in the first three days of September reached the normal limit (30 centimeters).

According to the expert, the Metropolitan Area of ​​Caracas requires an adequate drainage system to deal with the possible consequences of atmospheric instability. He pointed out that the current systems are more than 50 years old.

On September 16, there were recorded Flooding in several areas of Greater Caracasspecifically in the municipalities of Libertador, Sucre, Baruta and Chacao, as a result of the heavy rains recorded.

In Caricuao, near La Paz, a truck was stuck as a result of flooded roads, according to information released by journalist Jaqueline Tortolero in her road report published in X.

Other sectors that also had flooded streets were Antímano, Carapita, Bolívar Street in Propatria and the Gran Cacique Guaicaipuro highway, from La Paz to Plaza Venezuela, where slow traffic was also reported.

In addition, on a section of that same highway near La Yaguara, one of the perimeter walls collapsed.

Rains in Caracas caused flooding in different areas of the city
Foto: @Noticia058 | Twitter

Preventive measures for drivers during the rainy season

The National Institute of Land Transport (INTT) urged people to comply with road safety regulations and stay up to date with weather reports before leaving.

In addition, the INTT offers Recommendations for drivers to travel with caution during the rainy season:

-Perform a preventive inspection of the vehicle: the tire pressure must be checked, ensuring that it is at the appropriate level to guarantee optimal adherence to wet asphalt.

“Poor tire pressure increases the likelihood of the tread bursting due to overheating and increases the possibility of suffering from a physical phenomenon that occurs when the car’s wheels do not adhere to the road due to rain, called aquaplaning,” says the INTT.

– Check the operation of the high beams, low beams and flashing lights. The agency explains that these are crucial to improve the driver’s visibility, as well as to alert other drivers about lane change maneuvers or crossings.

-Check the windshield wipers to ensure that they can fulfill their function of keeping the glass dry and allowing a clear view of the roads.

-Maintain a safe distance from vehicles, which will allow you enough space to brake if necessary.

-Reduce speed if the rain is heavy to avoid accidents, collisions or the vehicle losing stability on the road.

-Avoid areas with puddles of water, especially at night, as they pose a considerable risk to tires and can cause damage to the car.

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#Rains #electrical #activity #expected #regions #Venezuela
2024-09-20 23:05:20



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