Rains and storms on Tuesday – What will happen to Attica 2024-03-05 15:43:04

A barometric low in Italy, moving east, is expected to affect the weather of our country from the followingnoon hours today and during the day tomorrow.

According to the prognostic data of meteo.gr / National Observatory of Athens, the main characteristics of the two-day weather will be rains and storms – with strong effects in places, snowfalls mainly in the continental mountains and strong winds.

In more detail, today following noon a front of rain and storms will affect the Heptani Islands and from the late followingnoon on the rest of western Greece. Snowfall will occur in the mountains of Epirus, western Macedonia and western Sterea. At the same time, local rains will occur in places in northern Greece.

Today late in the evening the effects will extend further east, affecting during the night to tomorrow Tuesday several areas of the country.

Tomorrow during the morning hours, rains and storms that will be locally strong are expected in central-eastern Macedonia and Thrace, while a front of storms will affect the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean and the Dodecanese, with locally strong effects and sporadic hail.

From tomorrow morning and until the end of the day, as the barometric low moves over our country, the weather will remain unsettled in most areas with rain and sporadic storms and snow in the continental highlands and semi-mountainous parts of the northwest. The effects will be more intense in the southern mainland and in the Cyclades, while from the followingnoon hours strong effects will once once more affect the Dodecanese.

The areas where the greatest chance of hail falls are the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean, the Dodecanese, the Cyclades and secondarily the southern mainland (mainly the Peloponnese).

Significant cumulative amounts of rain are expected in areas of western and northern Greece, the islands of the eastern Aegean and the Dodecanese.

Snowfall will be significant in the continental mountains, while in western Macedonia and Epirus it will also snow in semi-mountainous parts.

In the prefecture of Attica and in the city of Athens, temporary rains and storms will occur this evening, without ruling out that the phenomena will be locally intense. The weather will remain unsettled tomorrow, with a chance of showers or thunderstorms following noon.

Southerly winds with intensities up to 7 Beaufort will blow today, while tomorrow the winds will turn to the west with intensities that in the south will once more reach 7 Beaufort.

A temporary worsening of the weather is predicted from Monday followingnoon (03-24-04) to Tuesday noon (03-05-2024) due to the passage of a frontal surface from the west to the east of the country with the main characteristics of heavy rains and storms, which will be accompanied by a high frequency of lightning and possibly hail.

Detailed strong effects are predicted:

On Monday (04-03-24)

a. From followingnoon to late evening in the Ionian Islands, Epirus, western Sterea and possibly western Peloponnese.

b. From the evening in western and central and from the night also in eastern Macedonia.

On Tuesday (05-03-2024)

a. Until noon in Macedonia.

Mini bad weather is expected from this followingnoon and from the west with rain, storms, but also snow in the mountains. During the night into Tuesday the front will affect many areas of mainland Greece, heading towards the islands of the Eastern Aegean.

With his post, OPEN meteorologist Klearchos Marousakis talks regarding a new barometric low that formed in the Gulf of Leo.

Thus, from Monday followingnoon and from the west we will have a rapid passage of rains – storms that locally may not be excluded.

Clearchos Marousakis’ post in detail:


The front of storms that accompanies the new barometric low and which is expected to affect us from the next hours and from the west, is consistent in its appointment.

Enjoy the rest of the day!”

Weather radar NOW, through WINDY using the GFS, ECMWF and NEMS forecast models


In the eastern island country clouds temporarily increased with local rain and scattered thunderstorms and improving quickly. In the rest of the country, unsettled weather at times cloudy with local rains and isolated storms at intervals in the continental areas in the midday and followingnoon hours. A little snow will fall in the northern mountains.
The winds will blow from north directions 3 to 5 and in the south west northwest 4 to 6 and in the early morning hours in the seas up to 7 Beaufort.
The temperature will not change appreciably.


Cloudy in the north with local rains and mainly from midday sporadic storms. Snow will fall in the mountains. In the rest of the country, a few clouds that will gradually increase in the Ionian and continental areas, so there will be local rains and isolated storms.
Winds in the west will blow variable 3 to 4 Beaufort and from the followingnoon west southwest with the same intensity. In the east they will blow from north directions 4 to 6 and only in the northeast they will be east to 5 Beaufort.
The temperature will not change appreciably.


In the west, central and northern clouds with local rain and sporadic storms. Snowfall will occur in the mountains. The phenomena that will gradually extend to the rest of the regions, from the followingnoon and from the west will gradually weaken and late in the evening will be limited to the southeastern island country.
Winds will blow from north directions 4 to 6 Beaufort and in the south from west directions with the same intensity.
The temperature will fall.

#Rains #storms #Tuesday #happen #Attica



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