Rainmaker in the Desert: Pakistan’s Groundbreaking Water-Sucking Wells Change the Game for Drought-Stricken Communities

There is a severe shortage of clean water for daily use in Pakistan and water is often stolen and given to the tanker mafia through hydrants. And for this purpose, millions of liters of water are being extracted from the ground every day.

Pakistan is one of the countries that are facing severe water shortage. According to experts, if the underground water reserves continue to be used at the same rate and quantity, the water crisis in the country will become much more severe.

Experts say that to avoid this situation, it is necessary to recharge the underground water reservoirs frequently.

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Groundwater recharge means that if water is being withdrawn from the ground, it is also returned to the empty space. The faster method of supplying water is called “borewell recharge”.

And an effective method of recharging the underground water reservoirs is the “sucking well”.

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Actually “Recharge Well” is called “Pani Chos Kanwan” in Urdu. This translation has been done by Zafar Iqbal Watto who is a water resource expert and renowned researcher.

Speaking to the German news agency “Deutsche Welle”, he said that a water suction well is a system that is made to mix rainwater with underground water. There are aquifers under the ground which need to be drained by rainwater to recharge them. Water cannot go down through the hard top layer of earth and the cement or tar floor. Therefore, wells are dug in the course of the water course or natural flow, through which the water can reach the ground. They are called water-sucking wells.

He said that such wells have layers of sand or pebbles which do not block the passage of water. The rain water is diverted with the help of small aqueducts where there is already a well. Rainwater is first cleaned with the help of sand, gravel and other filtering materials and then slowly seeps into the ground.

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Another important function of water suction wells is to protect the protected rainwater from being wasted and polluted.

If the rainwater does not go into the ground, it becomes flood water or gets mixed with sewage and turns into poison.

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The earth has its own system, it cleans the rain water and gives it to us, but if the sewage water goes into it, the natural system cannot take the load. So we have to reclaim the land without contaminating the rain water for which water suction wells are the best source.

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