Rainfall may reach heavy rain… Meteorological warning: severe weather will last for a week in some areas

Rainfall may reach heavy rain… Meteorological warning: severe weather will last for a week in some areas

2024-07-30 08:53:00

Written by Mahmoud Rageb

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 11:53

Map revealed weather forecast Which one to export? General Administration of MeteorologyThe country is witnessing opportunities light rain Moderate to moderate thunderstorms, sometimes heavy rain, may occur over southern Upper Egypt and the southern Red Sea Mountains from Wednesday 31 July to Wednesday 8 August, possibly accompanied by wind activity blowing sand and dust.

Today is tuesday, Hot weather It will be humid during the day in most areas, hot and humid along the northern coast, and hot and humid at night in most areas.

Humidity is expected to remain high today, which will increase people’s feelings weather temperature Temperatures are expected to be between 2 and 3 degrees, and light mist is also expected tomorrow morning on some agricultural and highway areas near water bodies traveling to and from Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coast and canal cities.

As for today’s Tuesday temperature: 36 degrees in Greater Cairo with a minimum temperature of 27, 33 degrees with a minimum temperature of 27 in Greater Alexandria, 31 degrees with a minimum temperature of 25 in Matrouh, 39 degrees with a minimum temperature of 27 in Greater Sohag, and 41 degrees in Greater Qina , the minimum temperature is 27 degrees, in Greater Aswan it is 43 degrees, and the minimum temperature is 30 degrees.

#Rainfall #reach #heavy #rain.. #Meteorological #warning #severe #weather #week #areas

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