Rainbow Six: Siege Introduces New Demon Veil Season

Rainbow Six: Siege has just revealed the details of its new season, Demon Veil, which will mark the start of this new year for Ubisoft’s multiplayer FPS. She will be available from February 21 on the test servers for a final release a little later. It brings a new Japanese operator on the defense side, Azami, whose details are visible at the bottom of this news. But above all, it is accompanied (finally) of a new card, Emerald Plainwhich takes place in a country club Irish. Note that it should arrive a little later in the middle of the season. You can see some pictures on the presentation video below. Tomorrow, Ubisoft will communicate the roadmap for this new year.

Demon Veil also offers a new game mode. A simple TDM that will allow you to warm up quietly. The rounds last 5 minutes, you can choose all the operators and 3 cards are available (Favela, Theme Park, Villa). More will be added over time. For balancing, Rainbow Six: Siege introduces the possibility for attackers to change operators/equipment after the preparation phase in both ranked and quick matches. Another important change concerns Goyo who loses his deployable shields and only keeps his gadget which now poses as Jäger’s ADS. Explosions do less damage but the fire will last longer and its area of ​​effect is larger. Finally, note that a valid phone number will now be required to access ranked matches. An additional measure to combat the smurf.


  • Role: Defender
  • Main weapons: 9x19VSN or ACS12
  • Secondary weapon: D-50
  • Equipment: Barbed wire or impact grenades
  • Average speed
  • Armor: Medium
  • Gadget : Kiba Barrier
  • Gameplay : Azami can swing knives that allow the holes to be sealed by releasing a kind of insulating foam. This can also be used to block a door. No usage limit, the gadget recharges like the mines of Lesion. The barrier can be destroyed by explosions, a small hammer blow or 3 melee attacks.
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