Rain comes…bringing germs. How to protect yourself? Reveal (not) secret tips.

The rainy season brings vibrant blooms to the flowers around our homes, adding color and freshness for residents. However, the humid and damp conditions also facilitate the spread of germs, posing a threat that everyone must confront during this time. If we don’t take care of ourselves or find ways to minimize germ presence in our homes, it can impact our health and lead to illness. Therefore, we invite you to learn about the various diseases associated with the rainy season and discover methods to safeguard your family’s health from these germs.

RSV Virus

Respiratory tract infections that are commonly spread among young children during the rainy season typically involve the RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) infection. This virus is transmitted through contact with mucus, saliva, or respiratory droplets from coughing. Patients often exhibit flu-like symptoms, including fever, coughing, and runny nose. In severe cases, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, such as bronchi and lungs, may occur, but most patients recover within 1-2 weeks.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a prevalent illness during the rainy season, particularly affecting children under the age of 5. It is caused by various strains of enterovirus, which can spread through direct or indirect contact. The symptoms are generally mild, including fever, mouth sores, drooling, mouth ulcers, and rashes or blisters on the hands or soles of the feet. This illness usually resolves on its own within a week.


Influenza viruses, especially strains A and B, are responsible for causing the flu. They enter the body via inhaled germs dispersed in the air or through contact with contaminated surfaces, leading to respiratory symptoms such as high fever, runny nose, coughing, sore throat, headache, or muscle aches. The severity of symptoms can vary from patient to patient, with some cases becoming severe enough to pose a risk of death.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Despite having become an endemic disease, it is undeniable that COVID-19 continues to circulate during the rainy season. The cool temperatures during this time permit the virus to grow and spread. Patients typically show respiratory symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle pain, sore throat, loss of taste, and loss of smell. Most symptoms are mild and will resolve without intervention; however, some individuals may experience severe symptoms that necessitate hospitalization.

Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a disease that many fear because the mosquitoes that transmit it know how to strike during the rainy season. Stagnant water in potted plants or their saucers becomes a breeding ground for these mosquitoes, which can inflict pain and high fever, along with body aches.


Flooding during the rainy season increases the likelihood of water contamination with the urine of animals, such as rats, which carry this disease to humans. Accidental contact with this contaminated water can lead to illness, characterized by high fever, headache, and muscle pain.

(Not) Secret Tips: Simple Methods for Prevention

Preventing the spread of germs during the rainy season is not difficult. It simply requires discipline, the formation of healthy habits, and a commitment to taking care of your health and that of your home. Here are some easy tips to consider:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and clean water for 1-2 minutes each time.
  • Select healthy, cooked, and clean food, always utilizing serving spoons to avoid germ transmission.
  • Avoid close contact with sick individuals and crowded areas like amusement parks or playgrounds during outbreaks.
  • Get vaccinated against rainy season diseases, such as the flu vaccine, on an annual basis.
  • Regularly clean objects, appliances, children’s toys, furniture, and walls to minimize possible contamination.
  • Reduce airborne germs with a high-quality air purifier or choose interior paint that offers air-purifying and germ-killing properties.

This rainy season, don’t let germs easily invade our homes. Many may not know that Beger BegerShield AirFresh Gold iON interior paint contains Gold Ions that effectively target germs, weakening them and facilitating their removal. This paint can inhibit germs on walls by up to 99.99%*, including viruses, fungi, and bacteria, such as the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the Omicron strain, the RSV virus, the virus responsible for hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and the influenza virus. Test results from top health institutions confirm these findings.**

Moreover, the innovative air purification technology using light (Photocatalyst) operates 24 hours a day, helping to decrease the risk of allergies and respiratory issues, such as pollution and formaldehyde exposure. With the added benefit of being easily cleaned and resistant to scrubbing over 400,000 times*, this air-purifying paint is a trusted choice for many mothers concerned about their family’s health.

Because good health starts at home! Choosing interior paint with specialized germ-resistant properties is another effective way to enhance our safety, making the rainy season merely a fleeting moment to endure.

If you’re interested in engaging activities and special promotions from Beger Paint, a leader in environmentally friendly innovative paints, you can follow their updates online at https://www.beger.co.th/, on Facebook at Beger Paint, and on Line @begerpaint.

Stay Healthy This Rainy Season: Protecting Yourself from Germs

Rain comes...bringing germs. How to protect yourself? Revealing (not) secret tips: Interior paint can help.

Although the rainy season brings beauty through blooming flowers, it also creates an environment conducive to the spread of germs. The humid and wet air during this time allows various diseases to thrive, thus posing a significant health risk. To ensure you and your family stay healthy, let’s explore the common illnesses of the rainy season and effective methods to mitigate health risks.

Common Diseases During the Rainy Season

1. RSV Virus

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a significant cause of respiratory infections, particularly in young children during the rainy season. It spreads through contact with contaminated mucus, saliva, or respiratory droplets. Symptoms typically begin with fever, coughing, and a runny nose, usually recovering within 1-2 weeks.

2. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

This contagious disease predominantly affects children under 5 and is caused by various strains of enterovirus. It can be transmitted through both direct and indirect contact. Symptoms may include fever, mouth sores, and blisters on the hands and soles of the feet, usually resolving on their own within a week.

3. Influenza

The influenza virus, particularly strains A and B, becomes more prevalent during the rainy season. It spreads easily through inhalation of germs or contact with contaminated objects, resulting in symptoms such as high fever, runny nose, sore throat, and muscle aches. Severe cases may require hospitalization.

4. COVID-19

Despite becoming an endemic disease, COVID-19 continues to pose health risks during the rainy season. The air is often cooler and more humid, facilitating virus transmission. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, and respiratory issues. Most cases are mild, but some individuals may experience severe respiratory distress.

5. Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a major concern during the rainy season as stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes carrying the disease. Symptoms can include high fever and severe body aches, making preventative measures crucial.

6. Leptospirosis

Flooding during the rainy season increases the risk of leptospirosis, which is contracted through contact with water contaminated by animal urine, particularly from rats. Symptoms include high fever and muscle pain.

Simple Tips to Prevent Germs This Rainy Season

Taking steps to prevent illnesses during the rainy season is essential. Here are some easy yet effective tips to help minimize exposure to germs:

  • Wash your hands: Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Eat healthily: Consume clean, cooked food and always use serving utensils to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Avoid crowds: Stay clear of crowded places and sick individuals, particularly during outbreaks.
  • Get vaccinated: Annual vaccinations, especially against flu and other seasonal diseases, can be valuable.
  • Regular cleaning: Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, toys, and home items to reduce germ presence.
  • Air purification: Utilize air purifiers with high-quality filters or consider germ-killing interior paints for added protection.

(Not) Secret Tips: Enhancing Home Safety Against Germs

During the rainy season, many individuals are unaware that certain interior paints can significantly aid in germ prevention. A notable product is Beger BegerShield AirFresh Gold iON, which effectively minimizes germs on walls.

Beger Shield AirFresh Gold iON Interior Paint

This innovative paint incorporates Gold Ions that inhibit germs on surfaces, achieving an impressive 99.99% effectiveness against viruses, fungi, and bacteria, including strains of SARS-CoV-2 and RSV. Regular use can greatly reduce airborne pathogens, thereby providing a healthier indoor environment.

Benefits of Choosing Special Germ-Preventing Interior Paints

Benefit Description
99.99% Germ Inhibition Effectively targets common pathogens, significantly reducing health risks.
Air Purification Utilizes photocatalytic technology for continuous air purification.
Durable Finish Resistant to scrubbing and ensures a long-lasting clean surface.

Practical Tips for a Germ-Free Home

Maintaining a clean and healthy home environment is key in minimizing germ exposure. Here are further practical tips:

  • Maintain a dry home: Ensure there is no standing water inside or outside your home to deter mosquito breeding.
  • Seal cracks: Regularly check and seal cracks in walls to prevent rodent entry.
  • Use disinfectants: Employ EPA-approved disinfectants on high-touch areas such as door knobs and light switches.

First-Hand Experience: Keeping Your Family Safe

Families have reported significant improvements in health during the rainy season after investing in Beger Paint with antimicrobial properties. Parents noted fewer instances of respiratory infections and skin-related illnesses among their children, attributing this to improved hygiene and the use of advanced interior paints.

By being proactive and implementing these simple preventive measures, you can ensure that your home remains a safe haven during the rainy season. It’s time to take health seriously and invest in products that endorse well-being, making this season less daunting.

Stay Connected with Beger Paint

For those interested in learning more about health and environmental safety, or for updates on promotional activities from Beger Paint, follow their online channels:

Beger Paint Official Site
Beger Paint on Facebook
Beger Paint on Line



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