“Rain and Precipitation Phenomena Across the Universe – From Diamonds on Saturn to Acid Rain on Venus”

2023-05-01 18:50:53

Weather of Arabia – Sinan Khalaf – Planet Earth has its own climate, in which we are accustomed to witnessing and experiencing many natural phenomena related to it, from rain or snow to hail showers, and here the precipitation condition differs, but the origin is the same, which is water, and as a reminder, the conversation here is regarding a planet Earth, what regarding the rest of the planets?

Saturn sky TRain 1000 tons of diamonds annually!

We start from the diamonds on Saturn, yes the diamonds! As nearly 1,000 tons of this substance (907 metric tons) fall annually on Saturn, we now know that you are thinking of going there to become one of the richest people in the world, but before you delve into thinking let us tell you that it is still – unfortunately – just an unproven theory. Planetary scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Diamonds also fall on Neptune and Jupiter

According to these results, diamonds also fall on the planets Neptune and Jupiter, but Saturn provides better conditions, due to the severe thunderstorms that it witnesses (10 thunderstorms per second), which causes the methane particles to disperse in its atmosphere, leaving carbon atoms to swim freely before they begin. by falling down.

Then it turns into graphite as it crosses the dense layers of Saturn and passes through its atmosphere, eventually turning under the influence of pressure into small pieces of diamond (often smaller than a millimeter in diameter). But during its journey, which extends for more than 22,000 miles (36,000 km), and under the influence of very high air temperature, the diamond turns into a viscous liquid.

Deadly acid rain on the flower cup

On Venus, sulfur-rich acid rain falls, and since Venus has a temperature of 894 Fahrenheit (480 Celsius), this rain quickly turns into gas 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) before it reaches the planet’s surface.

Moon – Titan – the largest of the moons of Saturn

As for the moon – Titan – which is the largest of Saturn’s moons – it witnesses rain storms from methane Frozen, and like Earth, which has a water cycle, this moon has a methane cycle: monsoon rains fill lakes that eventually evaporate, rising steam creates clouds, and everything starts over once more!

Methane exists – on this moon – in liquid form because its surface temperature is very cold, as it is 290 Fahrenheit below zero (179 degrees Celsius below zero), and we can also find solid mountains of ice on its surface.

Rain of glass on the planet HD 189733b

HD 189733b is a planet outside the solar system, and it is the first planet of this type on which methane gas has been proven, which is characterized by a strange type of rain, which is glass.

Iron falls on the planet OGLE-TR-56b

As for the planet OGLE-TR-56b, which was newly discovered in 2002, it witnesses from time to time iron precipitation, sometimes with high intensity!

#Diamonds #glass #iron #lethal #methane.. #rain #falls #planets #Arab #weather



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