Raiffeisen Denounces Allegations of ‘Excessive Profits’ in Banking Sector


Austrian Banking Sector: Profit ⁤Trends and Future Challenges

September 5, 2024

‌ ⁣ The recent profits reported by Austrian banks‍ have sparked significant ‌public debate, ‍with⁣ many calling for a⁤ tax on what‌ they deem “excess profits.” Raiffeisen ⁣Research noted the banks’ “solid profits” in the past two years but emphasized the need to consider the‌ long-term ⁣challenges that ‍European and domestic banks have faced over the last decade.

‍ Following ⁣nearly 12‍ years​ of zero and‌ negative interest rates,⁣ the Austrian banking ‍industry achieved ⁢a notable ⁤nominal consolidated net‌ profit‍ of 10 billion euros ‌in 2022, a decrease from⁤ 14 ‌billion euros the previous ‌year. Historically, from 2015 to 2021, the average net profit of domestic⁢ banks ranged between 5 and 6 billion ⁣euros. This ‍period of increased earnings has coincided with a rise in ‌the return on equity, now exceeding 15%. Nevertheless, analysts from Raiffeisen Research highlighted ⁢that the cost​ of capital for European ‌banks has consistently remained between ​10% and 12% in recent years.

When ⁢examining long-term profit sources, it’s clear ‌that approximately 45% of banks’ profits stem ⁣from Central ⁤and Eastern Europe. Earnings in these regions have ​escalated from an⁣ average of 2.5 billion ‌euros to around‍ 5 billion euros, spurred in part by significant increases in key interest rates. However, the profit growth in this area ​slowed to just 4.5% ⁤last⁣ year, leading analysts to speculate‌ that this may represent the​ peak for profits ⁢realized by Austrian banks.
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Domestic banks are not solely ​reliant on‌ loan interest; they are also adjusting deposit ‍interest ⁢rates for their customers. The average interest rate on demand deposits in⁢ Austria ⁢currently stands at​ 1.06%, which is competitive compared to other EU ⁣nations, ⁢with‍ Luxembourg offering‍ slightly higher rates. Additionally, customers in Austria can secure real interest yields on time⁤ deposits.
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It is important to note that ⁣the ‍default rates​ on corporate loans are projected ⁣to increase. Recent‍ analyses indicate​ that these rates have already⁣ risen from 2.69% to 3.7% within the last ​year, signaling a potential ⁢deterioration in credit quality. Analysts recommend prioritizing reserve building over taxation or ⁢the redistribution of profits‍ deemed in excess.



ian banking sector is experiencing a notable shift as interest rates begin to rise. This change is expected to impact profitability, lending practices, and overall financial stability in the region.

Several key factors are influencing the profit landscape for Austrian banks. Increased lending volumes, a robust labor market, and strong consumer confidence have contributed to healthier balance sheets. However, banks are also contending with rising costs, regulatory pressures, and a potential economic slowdown.

Analysts from various financial institutions are warning that while the immediate profitability appears strong, the underlying economic environment poses risks that could hamper growth. Issues such as inflation, geopolitical instability, and tightening monetary policies could place additional strain on banking operations.

A prominent concern is how banks will manage the transition to a higher interest rate environment, as this could alter the dynamics of loan demand and borrowing costs. Furthermore, the competition among domestic banks could intensify, forcing institutions to innovate and adapt their services to maintain market share.

Stakeholders are urging a balanced approach to taxation, taking into account the need for banks to build capital reserves for future challenges. Proposals for a tax on excess profits raise questions about the potential impact on investment and lending practices, which are vital for economic growth.

while the current profitability of Austrian banks presents opportunities, the sector must navigate a complex landscape of challenges and uncertainties. Adapting to changing economic conditions will be crucial for sustaining long-term growth and stability within the banking industry.



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