Raiffeisen Arena Finances: Seeking Solutions to Avoid Future Deficits

2023-06-28 21:33:00

The Raiffeisen Arena weighs on the finances of the SIDP. If the general account loops on a slight deficit of 4,000 francs, it is only thanks to the municipalities which have absorbed the loss of the operating account of the ice rink. It amounts to around 900,000 francs. The explosion in electricity costs partly explains this poor result following a first year of normal use. These figures were presented on Wednesday at the meeting of the Intercommunal Syndicate of the district of Porrentruy, which was held in Bure. The committee is actively seeking solutions to avoid such a deficit in the future. Lionel Maitre, mayor in charge of Espace-Loisirs, specifies that negotiations are underway with HC Ajoie. The ice rental price will be increased by 30 francs per time slot. Also increase in the fixed price for a National League match. In return, the SIDP committee will allow the hockey club to have more space. In the longer term, the mayor of Boncourt hopes to renegotiate the electricity contracts. A second track is to improve the use of the ice rink in the summer by offering rentals to external clubs. From a financial point of view, Thierry Crétin, finance manager, aims to reduce the deficit in the ice rink’s operating account by half.

A timetable for the renovation of Stockmar

A few days before the school holidays, the assembly was also informed of the progress of the Stockmar dossier. According to the timetable presented, work on the Porrentruy college might begin in the summer of 2025. To achieve this, the call for tenders will have to be published in December. Then all the municipalities in the district will have to decide on the credit at the beginning of 2025.

Water, everyone’s business

The president of SIDP also informed the assembly that the water pipe in the Creugenat motorway bridge, which allows the interconnection of the SIDP and SEHA networks, has been repaired since last Thursday. Still in connection with drinking water, Jean-Paul Lachat specified that the committee wishes in the future to develop a common water policy, as much for the communication of information, as for the restrictions of use. /ncp

Why does RFJ communicate the result of the “general account” to you?

The “MCH2” accounting model distinguishes two final results: the “general account” and the “global account”.

The general account includes the current expenses and receipts (in particular tax) of the municipality. It corresponds to the structural functioning of the municipal household and reveals its financial health.

The global account is an addition of the general account and “special funding”: the latter correspond to the receipts of the municipality’s self-funded services (water service, gas, waste management, SIS, etc.) through taxes. These special funds can only supply the services concerned and cannot legally be integrated into the municipal household. They are therefore not indicative of the “structural functioning” of the municipality.

For these reasons, RFJ chooses to provide you with the results of the general account, a relevant indicator of the municipality’s financial health.

#Balanced #accounts #SIDP #municipalities



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