Raids on traders reveal customs “bribes”… and armed confrontations at the port!

2024-08-22 15:31:43

“Lebanon Debate”

A dispute broke out between customs officials at the Port of Beirut, which got to the point where the officials raised their weapons at each other, nearly blowing up the contents.

Lebanese Debate learned in detail that “Supervisory officers (ND) working with the Director General of Customs formed a team of members of the agency who raided an illegal businessman in the southern suburbs where they discovered a large amount of smuggled goods Tobacco products, but surprisingly, the businessman claimed that he paid customs officials (KR) and (AH) two thousand dollars a month in exchange for facilitating his business.

Following these confessions, ND officers contacted the two officers and made these accusations to them, which resulted in things becoming heated between them.

When the attack team descended to the port to hand over the seized items, an altercation broke out and developed into a dispute over the use of weapons between Officer (ND) and his members and Officers (KR) and (AH) and their members. , the dispute did not end until the Lebanese army intervened.

The incident cannot be ignored, especially as it involves allegations of bribery by officials, which falls within the jurisdiction of military courts.

In a call held by “Lebanon Debate” with the Director General of Customs, Raymond Currie, he denied any knowledge of the bribery issue and confirmed that “problems have arisen in the context of a raid carried out by a group affiliated with Customs” in the southern suburbs and Confiscating smuggled materials,” he confirmed, confirming that the matter was currently being investigated to find out the specifics of the problem.

Pending this investigation that Curry is talking about, why were these officials not suspended until the situation was completely clear and it was confirmed whether bribery actually occurred?

#Raids #traders #reveal #customs #bribes.. #armed #confrontations #port



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