Rai, CEO Sergio and the “slimming cure” that no one wants. Viale Mazzini makes Meloni and Salvini argue

Mazzotta’s expectation. As anticipated exclusively by Reformist in the past few weeks, Biagio Mazzotta he left the State Accounting Office to reach the top of Fincantieri. Few people know, however, that the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti he did revoke the position of State Accountant General from Biagio Mazzotta, but granted him leave of absence…

MI6’s Paw

Putin he got so angry that he wanted to use a thermobaric missile to attack Ukrainian soldiers who have conquered part of the Kursk region of Russia. Oxygen that turns into a flame of death, pressure that crushes organs and bodies: the thermobaric devices, a bomb and a missile, used by the Russians in Kursk against Ukrainian forces are considered among the most lethal conventional weapons ever developed. Now the Kremlin’s secret services are trying to figure out who advised Zelensky a move like that. First of all they turned to the Americans. But the response was negative: “We are not Kiev’s prompters” the firm response of the Cia. So who was it? All eyes are on theBritish MI6

Vannacci, the Carroccio membership card and Bossi’s anger

The promise of Vannacci a Salvini. This year too, like last year, is the summer of the general. Journalists are hunting him, all microphones are for him. The members of the Northern League are hanging on his every word, strong in the five hundred thousand votes obtained in the European elections. However, it is said that Bossi, the founder, you can’t stand him at all and that even within the mythical Lega base they still haven’t understood whether it was an advantage to have him among their ranks or whether in the end his candidacy will turn out to be a resounding boomerang for the Carroccio. Now, sources very close to the Lega leader swear that the general has made a solemn promise to the Captain (Salvini) to take the membership card Lega. Thus all the controversies about possible small parties and rushes forward would end in one fell swoop.

Rai, CEO Sergio and the “slimming cure” that nobody wants

The “continuesslimming treatment” in Rai. Just before leaving for the holidays, the always very tanned (it seems Carlo Conti) CEO of Viale Mazzini Roberto Sergio sent an email to the various directorates in which the state television company communicated its willingness to continue with the “Extraordinary plan to incentivize voluntary exodus for staff”. The previous initiative expired on July 31, but the allocated budget was not fully used. In short, there was less demand from employees than initially expected. For this reason, Rai is trying again to exhaust the funds made available (30 million euros in total). The initiative is aimed at executives, clerks, workers and managers. Journalists are excluded. Employees who have already reached the age of 61 can join.

On the issue “incentives to exodus” there has been a strong debate among employees. On the one hand, there is a tendency to facilitate the exit of older staff, but on the other hand – according to the unions – there has not been an adequate plan to integrate the outgoing people with new recruits. As a result of this mechanism, some managements are gradually reducing the number of staff, thus forcing them to resort to external personnel. VAT number and to proceed to the so-called “first uses”, always highly criticized by the unions. PS, the interim of radio broadcasting has passed from Roberto Sergio a Flavio Mucciante why Sergio took over the interim presidency (due to the resignation of the Money) and therefore it is incompatible with a corporate management…

Lega-Fdi, Rai final straw: “Unwary brothers”

Are you sure everything is fine between Lega and Fratelli d’Italia? The Rai game, on the other hand, risks becoming the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The climate between the two government parties is boiling. “I have never seen more foolish people than the Brothers” explains one of the most listened to men Matthew Salvini. “They managed to compact the broad field, to burn the Agnes and not have a majority in supervision. To wage war on Salvini. Really beginners”. “You can’t govern Rai like this. If you don’t have 51% you need allies. But maybe they haven’t understood how democracy works yet. FdI hasn’t understood that the left will never make an agreement because the broad field has set its entire electoral strategy on two tracks: anti-fascism and telemeloni. Therefore it cannot admit any convergence with the center-right”. It couldn’t be clearer.

Beach resorts, Meloni is making ends meet

It’s always better to just get by, he said. Julius Andreotti. And now here comes the plan of Georgia Meloni to bypass the next political elections and leave the hot potato of the seaside resorts to whoever comes after her. Various working drafts are circulating at Palazzo Chigi for “solve” the age-old one seaside issueThe most popular option is to extend the current beach concessions to 2025 and restart the mapping of the coasts. In any case, the tenders would not be called before 2027, that is, not before the next political elections. A way to hold on to the vote of the seaside resort owners and go to election campaign untouched, saying that they stopped Bruxelles. If the wide field wins, it will be their problem. It will be Sneeze and companions having to deal with the beach resort operators.

Marco Antonellis



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