Ragousis against Kasselakis again: “The attack on Tsipras is defamatory” – 2024-07-05 13:37:10

Yiannis Ragousis unleashed new “fire” against Stefanos Kasselakis. He repeated that “if Mr. Kasselakis tries to go to the base, he will not even get half the votes and I link this to the slanderous attack on Alexis Tsipras”.

When Yannis Ragousis was asked if the president of SYRIZA has chosen a heroic exit, he answered “I don’t know”.

“The slanderous attack was made by the one who was elected with the main advantage that “I was voted to defend Alexis Tsipras”. It doesn’t exist further below this point,” argued Mr. Ragousis, speaking to SKAI.

As for Alexis Tsipras, Yannis Ragoussis said that “my assessment is that he has never left political life and obviously has every right to claim a role whenever he wants.”

Asked to comment on Polaki’s criticism of Stefanos Kasselakis’ personal life being exaggerated, the former minister noted that “after the February conference he decided to proceed completely alone and to give the characteristics of the pre-election campaign by himself, he deactivated the organs of SYRIZA. From what he said about the finances, to the opening to Zoi Konstantopoulou and the handling of the Pothen Esshes, these were his own decisions and they did not get a good grade from the citizens, especially when he said that we would be the first party with 2 in front and we ended up with 14. 9%”.

Watch the SKAI VIDEO:

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