Raffi Ahmad Rises Twice from the Lowest Point of Life – 2024-08-06 18:46:11

Actor and influencer, Raffi Ahmad. (Doc. MI/Adam Dwi)

Behind the success of celebrity and businessman Raffi Ahmad, 37, the man born in Bandung, West Java, has experienced several low points. In a podcast hosted by the Director General of Culture at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) Hilmar Farid, Raffi recounted two low points in his life.

But the event that became the lowest point also became Raffi’s turning point to rise. The first lowest point was the death of his father in 2006 when Raffi was still 16 years old.

“That made me (think), wow I think I’m devastated, my father died, who’s going to make money?” said Raffi in a podcast aired on Jalin’s Youtube, uploaded on Tuesday (30/7).

But after that he realized that God opened the way for sustenance for him. A number of offers for big screen films and television continued to come. In late 2006, Raffi’s name skyrocketed when he joined the vocal group Bukan Bintang Biasa (BBB) ​​created by musician Melly Goeslaw.

“When we are down, it turns out that God gives us the best plan. After my father passed away, not long after, I was given more (sustenance). The most important thing is that our intention is to earn money not for ourselves but also for our family,” he said.

The second lowest point was when Raffi Ahmad was arrested by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) for drug abuse in 2013. He thought his career would be ruined because of the case.

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“After leaving BNN, I thought my career was ruined. But because our intention was to be better, Allah gave us another (opportunity). So trials will always be there for us. When we are down, it doesn’t mean we are destroyed. If we can get out of that hole, we will rise to a better level,” said the owner of RANS Entertainment.

Currently, Raffi wants RANS to continue even when he is no longer around. He hopes that RANS can be a legacy that is useful for many people.

“At that time I thought, how long will I be in this entertainment world if I only rely on being Raffi Ahmad? Finally I learned about IP (Intellectual Property), learned how I can not work using my body, so I work using my IPs that I can manage,” he said.

“I want to leave something behind. Even if I die, RANS will remain a legacy and a vehicle that can benefit many people. Finally, I revived RANS into a vehicle that can be F&B, FMCG, Sport. So I want to be like Walt Disney. Walt Disney is a person’s name, he has died but there are (products) Mickey Mouse, and others,” he concluded.


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