Rafał Trzaskowski and Donald Tusk at Campus Polska: we meet in a new reality : Radio Olsztyn

Rafał Trzaskowski and Donald Tusk at Campus Polska: we meet in a new reality : Radio Olsztyn

Photo: T. Waszczuk/PAP

Almost one and a half thousand young people came to the academic town in Kortowo, Olsztyn, to the Campus Polska Przyszłości. A week ago they will be debating what kind of Poland they want and what influence they can have on it.

The leaders of the Civic Platform: Prime Minister Donald Tusk and the Mayor of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski inaugurated the 4th edition of the Campus held in Olsztyn. The deputy chairman of the Civic Platform Rafal Trzaskowski he said that after the change of power, Poland is one of the countries that leads European politics.

Prime Minister Morawiecki was unable to negotiate anything and take care of the Polish interest. Prime Minister Morawiecki was a looser in foreign policy. At the moment we have Donald Tusk, we have a real leader. Today we are able to realize all our ambitions and direct the ambitions of the entire European Union.

– said Trzaskowski.

Trzaskowski criticized the previous Law and Justice government, comparing last year’s elections to those of 1989. He emphasized that the young generation of Poles does not have to have complexes at the moment.

There comes a moment when we can take the next step. When we can build a Poland that truly meets our aspirations. When, for the first time, politicians have to catch up with a young society that has no complexes.

– added the Mayor of Warsaw.

Prime Minister and Chairman of the Civic Platform Donald Tusk he said that the previous editions of Campus Polska Przyszłości were a motivation for political action when the Platform was still in opposition.

You gave faith in a situation when many people would have broken down. Thanks to you, many people had the courage to stand face to face with evil organized almost perfectly

– assessed the Prime Minister.

I will do everything to make sure you build your future in a clean country. Clean from lies, from evil, from corruption. I promise you that you will be able to build this future in a healthy country.

– Donald Tusk said to the gathered people.

The topics addressed by the leaders of the Civic Platform during the inauguration of the Poland of the Future Campus also included Poland’s security and 21st century threats.

Rafał Trzaskowski spoke, among other things, about the significant “deterrence effect”.

Putin only cares about the strong. But building a strong army must be done wisely. It must be done in such a way that the entire economy benefits, that it becomes more and more innovative. Security is something much broader. You know that before tanks ever appear, let’s hope that they will never appear in our part of Europe, because today the Ukrainians are taking this burden upon themselves. First, everything starts with disinformation and cyberattacks

– he emphasized.

The Prime Minister mentioned his last meeting with the Prime Minister of India, who was recently in Kiev.

And it turned out that there in India a discussion is starting, which will start here in Poland any day now. Biological change caused by modern technologies. People there are also afraid of what will happen to our children, who are subjected to many hours of training via mobile phone or the Internet.

– said Donald Tusk.

During the inaugural meeting, Campus participants asked about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, among other things. One of the questions was: “what should be done to seal the Polish-Belarusian border, but at the same time, to ensure that all migrants are treated in a humane manner?”

Donald Tusk stressed that the border will remain closed and he “will act in a tough way so that we feel safe.”

It is not Poland, it is not you, but it is not us who have led to a situation, quite common in politics, where there is no simple choice that something is right, ethical and effective at the same time, and that this choice can be made without any hesitation. We are doing everything to avoid humanitarian dramas on our border.

– he added, arguing that we are not dealing with typical migration on the Polish-Belarusian border.

We are dealing with an increasingly cynical, increasingly determined action organized by the administrations of both Putin and Lukashenko. We have become the subject of a war that is no longer hybrid. We are dealing with daily acts of aggression on our border. In such a situation, my responsibility as the prime minister of the Polish government is to ensure the security and tightness of this border.

– replied Tusk.

According to the event’s organizer and initiator, Rafał Trzaskowski, its participants “really changed the face of Polish politics.”

There is no controlled discussion here. We have 6 days to complete the agenda, we are waiting for difficult questions. It is easy to be in the opposition and criticize, but when you take responsibility for the government, the questions are more difficult

– he stated.

This is a unique place to talk and a space to express your opinion. Here, everyone can be themselves and will not be criticized. People are very open and willing to talk (…) My dreams are a Poland strongly embedded in the European Union. It is also a safe Poland that has a strong army and an innovative economy. Poland that invests in science and research, because this is the key to our development.

– they said Campus participants.

Young people will have meetings with politicians, scientists and people from culture and sports. Participants will have the opportunity to train and talk about sports with a multiple Olympic champion and world champion in walking. Robert Korzeniowski.

It is very important to invest in the future and the youth. As a representative of the generation born much, much earlier, I have a duty to lead this relay of generations with sports values ​​of fair play. I will have some sports classes. I will be a great PE teacher. This turns me on and I am happy that I can be useful to the young generation. They will do this as long as I have the strength.

– said Robert Korzeniowski.

Campus Polska Przyszłości will last until Wednesday. During this time, there will be meetings with representatives of the world of politics, sports and culture, socio-political debates and sports and cultural events. There will also be a discussion about startups and the situation of women in prison.

Listen to the statement

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: T. Waszczuk/PAP

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Photo: FB Campus Poland of the Future

Author: M. Lewiński/J. a goal
Editor: B. Świerkowska-Chromy

In Kortowo, the Campus Poland of the Future will start in the afternoon



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