Radouan Mriziga, dancing out loud – Libération


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The choreographer from Marrakech continues his exploration of Amazigh culture and landscapes during the Autumn Festival, presenting performances where the stage layout is based on mathematical principles.

The striking silver signet ring gleams as his hand moves in rhythm with the words. This ring, worn on his little finger, draws attention and is a traditional piece of Amazigh jewelry, reflecting the heritage of Radouan Mriziga, who hails from this indigenous North African community. The Belgian-Moroccan choreographer, known for his warm personality, showcases three works at the Festival d’Automne, including a solo performance titled Atlas/The Mountain. We meet him on the evening of the dress rehearsal for The Test of Harmony and Invention, a remarkable show developed in collaboration with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, centered around Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. As a former student of PARTS (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios), a prestigious institution founded by Keersmaeker in Brussels in 1995, Mriziga has developed a strong connection with the renowned Flemish choreographer, who is a significant figure in contemporary dance history. Both artists share an interest in geometry and envision the stage space as organized according to mathematical principles.

Time and distance

In Marrakech, where Mriziga was raised, dance has always been present, “in every ritual, every

Exploring Amazigh Culture Through Dance: Radouan Mriziga at the Autumn Festival

The imposing silver signet ring shines with the movements of the hand that dances to the rhythm of the words. This ring that adorns his little finger and attracts the eye is a traditional jewel of the Amazigh culture, an indigenous people of North Africa from which Radouan Mriziga comes. The Belgian-Moroccan choreographer with his good-natured demeanor presents no less than three pieces at the Festival d’Automne, including a solo creation, Atlas/The Mountain. We meet him on the evening of the dress rehearsal.

Collaboration with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker

The Test of Harmony and Invention is a wonderful show that comes from a collaboration with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker around Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. As a former student of the renowned Performing Arts Research and Training Studios (PARTS) that Keersmaeker founded in Brussels in 1995, Mriziga has built a strong bond with this iconic figure in contemporary dance. Both share an interest in geometry and a vision of stage space structured around mathematical principles.

The Essence of Dance in Marrakech

In Marrakech, where Mriziga grew up, dance has always been part of life. He reflects, “in every ritual, every celebration, and every moment of joy, dance is integral.” This deep-rooted connection to movement and rhythm permeates his work, providing a rich foundation that influences his choreographic style.

Influence of Amazigh Culture

The Amazigh, or Berber, culture offers a wealth of myths, symbols, and traditional practices that Mriziga expertly intertwines into his choreography. His work resonates with themes of identity, history, and preservation of a culture that has often been marginalized.

Narrative through Movement

Mriziga’s pieces often tell stories not just through movements but through the very geometry of the dance. The positioning of bodies, the angles they create, and the space they occupy are meticulously choreographed to evoke the landscapes of the Atlas Mountains and the fluidity of Amazigh traditions.

Mathematics and Art: A Harmonious Blend

Each performance engages audiences on multiple levels—visually, emotionally, and intellectually. The mathematical principles that underlie stage composition create a dialogue between the dancers and the audience. This concept is not merely theoretical; it influences how Mriziga conceptualizes movement and rhythm in every performance.

The Role of Geometry in Dance

  • Spatial Relationships: The angle and distance between dancers convey meaning and enhance the storytelling aspect.
  • Repetition and Variation: Mathematical sequences can create visual patterns that harmonize with musical elements.
  • Balance and Symmetry: The aesthetics of balance in dance parallel mathematical ideals, reinforcing the beauty of symmetry.

Noteworthy Performances & Works

1. Atlas/The Mountain

This solo piece embodies the spirit of the Atlas Mountains, blending Mriziga’s personal narrative with larger cultural themes.

2. The Test of Harmony and Invention

In collaboration with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, this work integrates Vivaldi’s music to create a rich auditory experience that complements the visual choreography.

3. Four Seasons

Engaging with the themes of change and cyclical time, this work reflects on the interplay of human emotions with nature’s rhythms.

Impact on Contemporary Dance

Mriziga’s work challenges conventional boundaries of contemporary dance, inviting audiences to embrace not just the performance but the rich cultural heritage behind it. His integration of Amazigh motifs with contemporary choreography creates a compelling commentary on identity in a globalized world.

Practical Tips for Aspiring Choreographers

For those looking to carve their path in choreography, consider these practical approaches drawn from Mriziga’s work:

  • Explore Cultural Heritage: Integrate elements from your own culture to create a unique voice.
  • Study Mathematics in Dance: Understand how geometry and spatial awareness can enhance your choreography.
  • Collaborate: Work with other artists to gain new perspectives, as seen in Mriziga’s collaboration with Keersmaeker.
  • Embrace Storytelling: Allow your choreography to tell a story that resonates with your audience.


Through the lens of his unique experiences and cultural background, Radouan Mriziga continues to challenge and redefine contemporary dance. His commitment to exploring Amazigh culture, alongside mathematical principles, offers a new vision for the future of performance art.



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