Racop Transfer of Presidency: Rwanda Takes the Reins from Cote d’Ivoire at Kigali Meeting – Updates, Business Plan Approval, and More!

2024-03-06 09:05:51

Abdou Nar Dia March 6, 2024 at 09:05

The presidency of the African Public Procurement Network (Racop) will be officially transferred from the Ivorian government to Rwanda during the meeting on March 7 and 8 in Kigali. This decision, confirmed during the last General Assembly in November in Abidjan, marks continuity in the management of the network with the committee elected in Eswatini in 2022, representing various African regions.

Discussions in Kigali will focus on the approval of the business plan and budget for 2024, essential for the smooth functioning of the organization. These sessions will be accessible in person and online, bringing together the main figures of the network, notably the outgoing and incoming presidents, the vice-president, the Technical Secretary and lawyers from West Africa.

On the sidelines of the meeting, a virtual Extraordinary General Assembly is planned to validate the important documents and the budget proposed during the previous General Assembly. Regional cooperation and integration remain at the heart of the Racop agenda, which, since its creation in Lomé in 2018, has promoted the improvement of public procurement for 43 member countries.

#Rwanda #takes #Ivory #Coast

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