“Racist and homophobic…” –

Christian Campigli

The Olympics have always been the most followed event in the world, with millions of viewers. Even by those who do not have a specific passion for sports. A cultural event, in the broadest sense of the term. The Parisian inauguration of the Games has created controversy and divided Italy in half. Just open a social network to find fierce criticism and, immediately next to it, exaggerated praise. One might recall Oscar Wilde, in this case. Among a thousand doubts, one great certainty: if the organizers’ goal was to get the world talking about the start of the Olympics, the result was largely achieved. Among the most authoritative comments, that of the journalist and presenter Giuseppe Brindisi should certainly be mentioned. Which joins in the compliments for the decision to give the globe a more “party” version of the Games.

“But now who will explain to the bumpkins, racists and homophobes that athletes in ancient Greece competed naked, that homosexuality was accepted and displayed at Olympia, that the “warriors” Achilles and Patroclus were lovers? Ahhh… Ignorance”. It is impossible to know, with any precision, whether Brindisi was referring to someone in particular or whether he was lumping together those who brought forth criticism in Paris. Among these, we cannot fail to mention Matteo Salvini. “Opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians in the world was truly a terrible start, dear French. Squalid”. The leader of the Northern League showed a photo, comparing the DJ set of the inauguration with Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, which the performance seems to be inspired by.

#Racist #homophobic.. #Tempo
2024-07-30 05:23:14



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