Rachel Hazes approached Koen Pieter van Dijk for ‘revenge’ on Yvonne Coldeweijer – RTL.nl

<a href="https://www.archyde.com/the-rise-and-silent-fall-of-juice-queen-yvonne-coldeweijer/" title="The rise and silent fall of 'juice queen' Yvonne Coldeweijer“>Rachel Hazes (54) would have wanted to take revenge on Yvonne Coldeweijer (37) together with Koen Pieter van Dijk (31). The influencer, formerly known as Koen Kardashian, says this on Yoursafe Radio.

Rachel and Yvonne have been at odds with each other for some time. Rachel even filed a lawsuit against the juice queen. Although she won the much-discussed croquette case, that doesn’t seem to be enough for Rachel. She reportedly wants to take revenge on Yvonne again, this time together with Koen.

Like Rachel, Koen was targeted several times by Yvonne’s juice channel and he also filed a report against her. It seems like Rachel thought this was a perfect hook to involve him in her ‘revenge plan’. In the live broadcast on Yoursafe Radio, Koen says that she sent him a message on October 14, 2023. “Good morning Koen, I hope you are all well. I would like to address our friend Yvonne Coldeweijer and have a question for you,” Koen begins to read.

She first wonders what the judge decided in his case against Yvonne. She then continues: “I think it would be funny to put her back at the start on the goose board. If you have the time and inclination, maybe give each other a call. Love from me.” Koen then says that he never responded to her message. “Leave me alone. That woman is so out for revenge. Such a vengeful woman. Really terrible.”

Click here to see the entire video in which Koen reads her message.

The Juicy Feud: Rachel Hazes, Yvonne Coldeweijer & Koen Pieter van Dijk

Oh dear, gather ’round, because it looks like this story is juicier than a ripe watermelon in July! Rachel Hazes, the self-proclaimed queen of revenge, has stirred the pot yet again, plotting with none other than influencer extraordinaire, Koen Pieter van Dijk, also known for his time under the flickering lights of social media as Koen Kardashian. Who knew the Kardashians had any cousins with such spicy drama? If only they had a family tree, we could all use a good laugh!

In a recent tête-à-tête on Yoursafe Radio, Rachel—54 and undefeated at throwing shade—expressed some deep-seated desires for a touch of vendetta against 37-year-old Yvonne Coldeweijer. Because what’s a new day without stirring the emotional cauldron? After winning a lawsuit over a certain “croquette case”—yeah, you heard that right—Rachel apparently still feels the burning need to settle the score. Perhaps she thinks there should be a croquette court dedicated entirely to her claims!

Now, let’s put our detective hats on. Yvonne, dubbed the “juice queen,” has given Rachel, and indeed many others, plenty to chew over. From refreshing cold-pressed beverages to the occasional hot take, Yvonne has clearly made her mark. But Rachel, with her sights set on revenge, decided to recruit Koen to join the revenge tour. I mean, who wouldn’t want a little company on their march towards vengeance, am I right?

In that riveting live broadcast from Yoursafe Radio, Koen recounted that on October 14, Rachel dropped him a message that was, shall we say, not exactly a love note. “Good morning Koen,” she begins, with that classic passive-aggressive charm. You could almost hear the light classical music playing in the background and feel the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. She also posed an interesting question regarding the judge’s decision in Koen’s case against Yvonne—was there a roguish wink as she asked? Who knows, but you can bet it was dripping with intrigue!

Rachel even went on to suggest that it would be “funny” to send Yvonne “back to the start on the goose board.” Clearly, Rachel’s idea of fun involves lots of squawking and maybe even a dose of kinetic revenge therapy. But Koen, with all the tact of a well-practiced diplomat, promptly shot down her proposition. “Leave me alone. That woman is so out for revenge. Such a vengeful woman. Really terrible,” he stated. Bravo, Koen! For someone not wanting involvement, he certainly managed to throw in a witticism that would make even a stand-up comic proud.

Now, let’s take a moment to dissect the absurdity. We have two people embroiled in a personal drama that’s more twisted than a soap opera plotline, and all the while, they’re armed with social media, ready to create a spectacle for the ages. You can’t help but feel as though you’re watching a live-action reality show dissolve into chaos. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, they reveal another layer, as if they’re peeling an onion—one tear-jerking drama at a time!

So, before we come up with a conclusion as to whether Rachel’s revenge plot will hatch or dive into oblivion, let’s remember that the world of influencers is nothing without their trademark of theatrics. Tune in next time; who knows what blockbuster twist lies ahead? Maybe they’ll start a new trend called “revenge juicing” – sounds an awful lot like a marketing ploy I could get behind! If that doesn’t get your taste buds tingling, nothing will.

For more shenanigans and insightful commentary on this juicy saga, click here to catch the video where Koen reads Rachel’s message—because what’s better than gossip served fresh?



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