Race, religion, ethnicity and nationality in Argentine foreign policy

2024-02-16 03:30:00

Although it may seem discordant with policy or institutional positions, the title of this note has to do with President Milei and his trip to Israel that began on February 6, 2024 to continue in Italy, audience with the 1st. minister, and the Vatican, audience with Pope Francis.

Milei traveled to Israel in the midst of a war declared by the Jewish State against the Hamas terrorist movement, which governs the Gaza strip populated by millions of Palestinians. Islamic, territory that was part of Palestine, a British protectorate until 1948, the year in which the UN, recently formed, shortly after the Second World War, divided the country into two States, Israel and Palestine, creating de facto a Jewish State alongside the original.

The Jewish religion, monotheistic like the Islamic and Christian religions, originates in Mesopotamia in the Middle East, since the time of 2,000 BC, populated by peoples of Semitic origin, like the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. That is, the race of the Hebrews and Arabs is Semitic, as are their languages.

The religion of the Hebrews is Jewish, that of the Arabs is Islam, so the religious derivation of the Jew is Zionist because of Mount Zion, the original land; that of the Muslims the Mohammedan for their prophet Muhammad. Hamas is a political-religious party of a terrorist nature with operations in Palestine and a sponsor state that is Iran, a confessional Islamic Republic.

Hezbollah is the same, but settled in Lebanon, an almost failed Republic with permanent internal, political and religious conflicts in difficult coexistence. of Islamic and Maronite Christians, neighbors of Israel.

And here we come to the point of our Argentina, which has just entered a Change of Era by electing a Government that proposes an epistemological rupture – in the broad sense – of the political-institutional system, not only within society, the economy, international relations and the groups of democratic, capitalist and related countries, overcoming 16 years of decline of the Governments of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, which isolated us from the world and associated the country with dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela facilitating the terrorist actions of Iran and Hamas-type movements.

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President Milei exhibited to the world an ideological-political-philosophical mix that will lead the country towards a drastic geopolitical relocation, whichIt will face conflicts related to Jewish anti-Zionism, anti-Arab-Israeli Semitic racism and one-party neo-Marxist countries such as China, Russia, Venezuela and others.

To achieve this, it will be necessary to recover institutional, economic, military capacity and efficient intelligence services equipped with first-world systems.

We are entering a world of progress, well-being and quality of life, but it presents external and internal threats that will have to be overcome with a lot of effort and sacrifice, but society seems willing to do so.

* Deputy MC. Vice President of Republican Confluence SC

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