“Rabbit tax”: the Senate wants to charge patients who do not show up for their medical appointments

2023-11-17 07:00:12

You could call it a “rabbit tax”. The National Academy of Medicine and the National Council of the Order of Physicians estimate between 6 and 10% of patients who, each week, do not keep their appointment. To remedy these patients who are “asking questions”, the Senate plans to “empower them”. As part of the Social Security financing bill, currently under examination in the Senate, the Social Affairs Committee adopted an amendment from the LR rapporteur, Corinne Imbert. It aims to charge patients who do not show up to their practitioner, or who cancel at the last moment, a lump sum fixed by decree for the benefit of health insurance. Part of this sum could then be paid to the healthcare professionals concerned as compensation.

The government did not close the door to this idea and included it in the negotiations between doctors’ unions and Health Insurance on the conditions for exercising their remuneration. “Hundreds of thousands of appointments are lost in a country where we have problems accessing care,” lamented the Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, Tuesday on Sud Radio.

With regard to the implementation of this penalty, “the sum could be paid directly by the insured to his fund, taken from his bank account with his authorization or recovered, by the health insurance organization, from the benefits of any nature to come,” details Corinne Imbert’s amendment.

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