Rabat Declaration: A Call to Action for Peace and Justice in the Palestinian Conflict


Members of the Executive Committee of the Union of Councils of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation stressed, at the conclusion of the meetings of its 52nd session, which was held today, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, in Riyadh, that stopping the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people “should constitute an entry point and open a horizon for a final and just settlement of the Palestinian issue.”

In the “Rabat Declaration” that crowned the work of this session, the members of the Committee condemned the killings committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and strongly condemned “the practices of extremist settlers who tamper with the property of Palestinian citizens in the West Bank.”

The committee members called on the international community, especially the influential powers in the international resolution and the United Nations, to “work to stop the aggression immediately, lift the siege on the Palestinian territories, enable the residents of Gaza to obtain food and medicine, and provide international protection for the Palestinian people.”

They also urged multilateral parliamentary organizations and national parliaments in various countries of the world to “work to compel the Israeli occupation to stop its aggression against the Palestinian people, and to immediately carry out a prisoner exchange between the two parties.”

It is worth noting that the 52nd session of the Executive Committee of the Union discussed the draft agendas of the specialized standing committees and subsidiary bodies, as well as the draft agendas of the 26th session of the General Committee of the Union, the 12th session of the Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians, the 6th meeting of the Association of Secretaries-General of the Member Councils of the Union, the 26th session of the General Committee of the Union, and the 19th session of the Union Conference.

#Rabat #Declaration #call #stop #aggression #achieve #settlement #Palestinian #issue
2024-09-13 14:11:29

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Here are the PAA-related questions for the title **The Rabat Declaration: A Call to Stop Aggression and Achieve a Just Settlement of the Palestinian Issue**:

The Rabat Declaration: A Call to Stop Aggression and Achieve a Just Settlement of the Palestinian Issue

The Rabat Declaration is a significant document that has been at the forefront of discussions and debates surrounding the Palestinian issue. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Rabat Declaration, its connection to Agadir24, and the importance of achieving a just settlement of the Palestinian issue.

What is the Rabat Declaration?

The Rabat Declaration is a document signed by 30 countries, condemning the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank [[3]]. The declaration calls for an immediate stop to the aggression, the lifting of the siege on the Palestinian territories, and the provision of international protection for the Palestinian people. The declaration also urges multilateral parliamentary organizations and national parliaments to work towards compelling the Israeli occupation to stop its aggression and to carry out a prisoner exchange between the two parties.

Agadir24 and the Rabat Declaration

Agadir24 is a digital news portal that provides up-to-date information on local and national news, events, and issues affecting Agadir and its surroundings. As a leading electronic journal in the southern region of Morocco, Agadir24 aims to keep its readers informed about the latest developments in politics, economy, culture, and society [[3]]. The Rabat Declaration is an important document that has been covered by Agadir24, highlighting the importance of achieving a just settlement of the Palestinian issue.

Achieving a Just Settlement of the Palestinian Issue

The Rabat Declaration is a call to action, urging the international community to work towards achieving a just settlement of the Palestinian issue. The declaration emphasizes the need for an immediate stop to the aggression, the lifting of the siege on the Palestinian territories, and the provision of international protection for the Palestinian people. The declaration also emphasizes the importance of a prisoner exchange between the two parties.

The Role of Agadir24 in Raising Awareness

Agadir24 plays an important role in raising awareness about the Palestinian issue and the importance of achieving a just settlement. Through its digital news portal, mobile application, and social media presence, Agadir24 is able to reach a wide audience, providing them with up-to-date information on the latest developments in the region.


The Rabat Declaration is an important document that highlights the need for an immediate stop to the aggression against the Palestinian people and the importance of achieving a just settlement of the Palestinian issue. Agadir24 plays an important role in raising awareness about the Palestinian issue, providing its readers with up-to-date information on the latest developments in the region. As the international community works towards achieving a just settlement of the Palestinian issue, the Rabat Declaration serves as a reminder of the importance of standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people and working towards a peaceful resolution.


<a href="https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/documents/health-topics/refugee-and-migrant-health/rabat-declarationfinal.pdf?sfvrsn=b62e87cf9″>[1]



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