Raab/Hattmannsdorfer: Preventing the adaptation of lessons from parallel religious communities-mosque associations to reality

2024-08-24 22:00:03

A study on teaching in mosques in Upper Austria commissioned by the state’s integration department shows the urgent need for action in this area. In particular, a technical analysis commissioned by the Austrian Integration Foundation (ÖIF) examined the teaching material used by mosque associations: it has little connection with real life in Austria and urgently needs to be adapted. Now, as Integration Minister Susanne Raab and Upper Austria provincial councilor for integration Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer agreed, a new one will be commissioned for the mosque association Textbook. Under the scientific guidance of professors at the University of Innsbruck. Mag. Zekirija Sejdini launched the “Mosque Teaching 2.0” project.

“From an integration point of view, it is important to start with young people – this means in kindergartens, schools, but also in religious classes, some of which are also held in mosques. This class should be held in German. Also, the values ​​conveyed Must conform to the Austrian value system, such as democracy, gender equality, etc. Because anyone living in Austria must adapt to our values. The Mosque Curriculum 2.0 study aims to lay the foundation for a German-language mosque curriculum that promotes integration. explained Integration Minister Susanna Raab.

“We must prevent mosque courses from giving rise to advice that is contrary to the reality of our lives. There must be a textbook Relevance to real life in Austria have, German version available and Interfaith Competencies Strengthen students. By developing contemporary teaching materials, we take an important step in the fight against parallel religious societies. State Councilor for Integration Wolfgang Hartmannsdorfer.

New teaching materials for mosque courses as a positive contribution to the fight against parallel religious societies

Religious education in schools is based on the Austrian Constitution and is jointly organized by various churches or religious groups. At the same time, children also receive private lessons about their religion in informal or religious settings, such as in mosques. These courses are usually offered by private individuals or imams and take place outside of state-recognized educational institutions.

Austria’s first national mosque teaching study was conducted in Upper Austria between 2019 and 2023. She concluded that the courses were “racially one-sided” and that the teaching materials had “little connection with real life in Austria.” Therefore, the Federal Chancellery and the state of Upper Austria commissioned the project “Mosque Teaching 2.0”, which is carried out under the scientific guidance of university professors. Mag. Zekirija Sejdini, Institute of Islamic Theology and Religious Education, University of Innsbruck.

The “Mosque Teaching 2.0” project aims to lay a scientific and reasonable foundation for mosque teaching and provide future-oriented services for mosques. The main focus of the new program is to further develop the concept of mosque German courses that promote the integration of children and young people. To this end, specific teaching concepts and action guidelines have been developed. In particular, teaching materials should be made available in German, helping the respective mosque communities to make the courses more competency-oriented and practical, and to create closer links between religious teaching and everyday life in Austria.

“Mosques play a central role in the religious education of children and adolescents. Therefore, the orientation and quality of mosque teaching are of vital importance. The program aims to provide technical and technical support for mosque teaching in Austria, based on the results of previous research and in cooperation with mosques. Teaching methodological support. Support includes curriculum development, pedagogical and methodological preparation of teaching units and the development of future-oriented religious education guidelines. The aim is to support mosques in their efforts to provide contextually relevant German-language mosque curricula that are adapted to the lived realities of children and young people. so Studienleiter Univ.-Professor. Mag. PhD. Zekilija Cedini at last.

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