QUIZ: On the hunt – Mr. Lišák has a weakness for pub quizzes, but the questions from ours gave him a hard time – KinoTip

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When he was a guest in Close Encounters, Václav Slabyhoudek alias Mr. Lišák spoke about his education, work, his journey to the Na lovu competition and the fact that people often ask him how he does in pub quizzes. But in our quiz, we collected the questions he got wrong.

In order Close encounters Most of the hunters from the popular television competition On the Hunt have already passed with Terezá Kostková, except for the latest Bandit and Václav Slabyhoudek, aka Mr. Fox. But he just corrected the given mistake to a well-known actress and presenter confided a lot of interesting things related precisely to the activity in the competition and to the new hunter. Libor Šimůnek is now the youngest reinforcement, which was actually Mr. Lišák until this moment.

Václav Slabyhoudek studied law and the faculty of social sciences, specifically international territorial studies. He is very attentive and sharp, which is undoubtedly a great advantage for hunters. Fans don’t ask him exclusively about the show On the huntbut sometimes also on how he did in the last pub quizzes.

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news-main-desc">The ranks of hunters are being expanded by newcomer Libor Šimůnek, who fell for the magic of pub quizzes just like his more experienced colleagues. We also have an interesting…

He, like other hunters, is known to be very fond of these quizzes, so he is often asked how his team is doing and how many points he has scored. You won’t get any points for successfully completing our quiz, but you can feel good about taking it.

We have several quizzes in which you can challenge Mr. Fox to a duel, but if you would rather try to defeat, for example, the Calculator or Doctor Omniscient, please just go for it.

The Curious Case of Mr. Fox and His Quiz Adventures

Ah, Václav Slabyhoudek, better known as Mr. Lišák or Mr. Fox—a gentleman who straddles the intersection of intellectual pursuits and quiz-based theatrics. How delightful! Here we have a man who studied law and international territorial studies and still managed to become a celebrity quizzer. You know, it’s that classic story—turning pub quizzes into a full-blown career! I mean, who needs the courtroom when you can argue the finer points of obscure trivia?

Now, on Close Encounters, Mr. Fox chitchats about his education and his escapades in the Na lovu competition—flashing his intellect like a freshly minted law degree. But the reality? He’s the one dodging questions like they’re flying arrows in a quiz-based Hunger Games. Can you imagine? “Mr. Fox, how did you fare in the last pub quiz?” Oh, sweet child! Aren’t we all just trying to dodge our own incompetence?”

Apparently, this guy is quite the sharp cookie—attentive and quick-witted. A lovely trait for a quizzer, though I wonder, is he as sharp when it comes to discussing his quiz blunders? I mean, it takes a special kind of person to turn a wrong answer into a charming anecdote. I picture him at the pub, sipping a pint, saying, “Yes, yes, I might’ve thought that the capital of Australia was Sydney rather than Canberra—but look at me now!” Oh, the charm!

In other news, the dynamic on On the Hunt is shifting, with a new recruit, Libor Šimůnek—who presumably fell under the spell of pub quizzes like a moth drawn to a pretty flame. Perhaps these youngsters think they can just saunter into the quiz arena and claim victory like they’re in a pop quiz version of Game of Thrones. Sorry to break it to you, young Padawan, but the trivia world is a harsh mistress!

Quiz Shenanigans

The beauty of pub quizzes, my friends, lies not just in winning but in the camaraderie. Mr. Fox may be the talk of the pub, but let’s not forget about his teammates. Likely gazing at him with a mixture of awe and mild irritation as he revels in his glory while occasionally missing the mark. Isn’t that just the way of quizzes? “Couldn’t you get just one question right, Václav?” Judging him silently over pints of lager while the clock ticks down—life truly is the ultimate quiz, isn’t it?

And oh, the prospect of challenging Mr. Fox in your own quiz duel? A seductive idea only matched in allure by the thought of having a pint with him and watching him flounder on a question about 80s pop culture. “What do you mean who’s George Michael?!” Ah, the sweet sound of trivia blunders!

So I say to you, dear readers, grab your quiz buddies, challenge Mr. Fox, or even better, challenge your own expectations. Pub trivia might not help you win life’s biggest awards, but it surely will make for an enormous amount of laughter, which, in my opinion, is the true accolade.

Join the Quiz Revolution!

Don’t just sit there reminiscing about past glories. Get out there, compete, and as Mr. Fox might say, make a glorious mess of it! You might not win points, but I guarantee you’ll rack up plenty of stories worth telling.



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