Quint-Fonsegrives. Walk on the banks of the Saune

In Quint-Fonsegrives, the banks of the Saune are the ideal place to find peace and quiet close to the village and less than 5 km from the entrance to Toulouse. The small river has its source in Vaux in the heart of Lauragais and, following meandering through fields and meadows in the green valley that bears its name, crosses over a distance of regarding 5 km (from the bridge of Quint to that of Ribaute ) the south of the town, and separates it from its neighbor Saint-Orens-de-Gameville, before flowing into the Hers in the town of Balma. In 2009 on the occasion of the world year of astronomy, the municipality in collaboration with the Astronomy section of the rural home, laid out a footpath of 2 km, along which was carried out a representation of the solar system. Thus panels indicating the name of the planets with their “technical sheet” have been installed at regular intervals: the Sun, the Earth, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and the asteroid belt. It is on this route, called the Path of the Planets, well known to sports enthusiasts, that the renowned Balade de la Saune takes place every year, which attracts hundreds of participants.

Unusual encounters

These banks, along which benches and picnic tables have been set up, as well as bars and gantries for sports enthusiasts wishing to do some stretching, also attract many walkers and nature lovers. They are also used by cyclists, but you can sometimes meet more unusual people there, depending on the times and the seasons: rabbits, a hare, a wild boar, a deer and occasionally a few stray dogs! A course along the river (where today only a very small trickle of water flows), well shaded and very pleasant in this summer period. We walk along the Salsas farm in Quint, the municipal sports grounds, we have a beautiful view of the Elisabeth Badinter college and the hill of Quint, with its magnificent Saint-Pierre church. An easy and practicable walk for all!



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