Quilmes Municipality – News

International Relations Agenda

The Municipality of Quilmes reports that, within the framework of a strategy to strengthen bilateral relations, authorities from the Municipal Government and the Industrial Union of Quilmes (UIQ) held a meeting with representatives of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Authorities from the province of Jiangxi and the district of Nanchang, capital and sister city of Quilmes.

The initiative also seeks to promote cooperation with other cities and the integration of the Quilmes productive sector. During the meeting, which represents the opening of new commercial opportunities for the district, the members of the delegation expressed their interest in strengthening institutional ties and exploring various areas of economic cooperation.

Among the topics discussed were the potential for exporting food products from Quilmes companies, the establishment of companies and the promotion of cultural exchanges and technical cooperation.

The event was attended by Julián Bellido, Secretary of the Agency for Oversight and Economic Development; Fernando Collizzolli, Director General of Institutional Relations; and Franco Montali, Director General of Vocational Training, representing the Municipality.

Also present on behalf of the Quilmes Industrial Union were Horacio Castagnini, president of the institution; Mariano Castagnini, executive director, and Verónica Magán Laca. Johnny Huang, president of the Chamber of Chinese Supermarket Merchants in Quilmes, participated in the meeting on behalf of the Chinese community in Quilmes.

The Chinese delegation also included Zhao Xiangyang, Vice Chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of CCPIT, Wang Mi, Director of the Investment Promotion Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of CCPIT, and Li Yongqiang, Director of the International Liaison and Exhibition Department of the Nanchang Branch of CCPIT.



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