Who is Mariana Arce, the lawyer and former candidate who decided not to defend Alberto Fernandez

2024-08-14 03:40:20

Friday, before appointment Silvina Carrera as defender Former President Alberto Fernandez speaks after complaints of gender-based violence Regarding former first lady Fabiola Yáñez, the former president gave an interview to El Pais, in which Defend yourself against accusations His ex-partner told the court, writing: He was accompanied by lawyer Mariana Arce, although she later denied this.

The first paragraph of an article published by Spanish media on Monday mentioned that the former leader of the Justice Party He was accompanied by lawyer Mariana Arce. In a conversation with The Nation, Lawyer clarifies she never legally represented former president.

Furthermore, he emphasized Only consulted on the matter and decided not to undertake Since that role I can’t devote the time This cause deserves it. return He denied having a close relationship with Fernandez.

As some media said, I am not Alberto Fernandez’s 24-hour lawyer. The former president only asked me about representation, but in the end it did not happen, Dr. Silvina Carrera was the one who took up the cause and is now in charge, “he assured.

relative to his In an interview with a Spanish newspaper in Puerto Madero, Arce explained: “This is a coincidence. This interview was conducted on the same day that I went to meet with the former president to decide whether to represent him in the case. As far as lawyers are concerned He denied rumors that he knew the former head of state.

“I want to clarify one thing. Others say I met Alberto through my work in public service. This is not true. He has no connection to the former president. Someone asked me about my career Criminal lawyers on human rights and gender issues. I worked with Dr. Leandro Despoi for many years, collaborating on human rights issues when he chaired the United Nations. All I know is that Alberto knew him and had great respect for Despoy. he said.

As for Why he decided to step aside and not defend Fernandez Regarding gender-based violence, he noted: “I have other ongoing cases that I cannot ignore. I’m very professional. When I accept a job, I give 100 percent of myself. It seemed to me that I could not devote the time I deserved to such a cause. In my opinion, this is a topic that needs to be treated with complete caution. That’s why the defense was left to Carreras.

In my opinion, the disqualification I received also involved gender-based violence. they want bLowering a lawyer’s price by talking about the lawyer’s appearance or making comments about the lawyer’s appearance Not what a lawyer or professional says. That Just because a woman is exposed or has a private life does not mean she has less or more ability Arce said of the comments he has received on social networks over the past few hours.

“I did not see them posting photos of male professional lawyers in their private lives, nor did I see them talking about their physiques or making malicious insinuations to disqualify them from working. This only happens if you are a woman. It seems you can’t be smart and have a career. “Ability is again in the spotlight, and it’s gender that we’re talking about.” Attorney Mariana Arce concludes.

#Mariana #Arce #lawyer #candidate #decided #defend #Alberto #Fernandez



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