Quick ways to keep fresh mushrooms longer

Follow-up: Nazik Issa

Fresh mushrooms are delicate plants that need to be taken care of for a longer period in the refrigerator, especially since they are included in the ingredients of many foods, so it is very useful to store them in order to benefit from them when needed.

Initially, the mushrooms should be cleaned by removing dirt and bacteria with a dry soft towel, and then covered with a damp towel to prevent them from drying out. After that, the mushrooms can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Mushrooms can also be salted, because every 3 kg of salt goes to 1 kg of mushrooms. This is done in a glass bowl with a layer of salt and mushrooms on top, then salt until the mushrooms are completely submerged, then put in a cool place. When using salted mushrooms, they must be soaked in cold water before cooking and are usually recommended for cooking with meat. Some people dry mushrooms and grind them into a fine powder to use in some dishes, and they need to be sealed and stored in a cool place.

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