Quick check 7 ways to prevent “smallpox”-2 What are the guidelines that you should do? Read it.

We will summarize 9 easy to do measures, 7 to avoid and 2 should be done as follows.

1. Avoid having sex with women or men who provide sex services.

  • Reason : Because it was found that more than 90% of the infected people had a history of having sex with someone who wasmonkey pox

2. Avoid having sex or having multiple sexual partners that are not your partner.

  • Reason: Infected by sex. It doesn’t have to come from the purchase of a service only. Can be contacted in a voluntary relationship without prostitution

3. Avoid direct contact with other people. who are not family members especially in cases where it is clear that Red rash or pustules

  • Reason: Red blister or pustules It’s a place where there are a lot of viruses. easy to contact

4. Avoid direct contact with other people who are not family members, such as handshaking, hugging, kissing on the cheek, even if the rash or blister is not noticeable.

  • Reason: Even without touching the blister directly But if the smallpox monkey patient brought his hand to his blister treasure. then come and touch another person It may cause infection.

5. Avoid sharing clothes, belongings with other people, such as towels, bed sheets, glasses, and cutlery.

  • Reason: Virus from a patient can be at the aforementioned belongings and in later Found that there were more pustules, blisters, clear water around the mouth. So be careful with glasses and cutlery.

6. Avoid that Bring your hand to pick your nose, rub your eyes, or enter your mouth.

  • Why: Viruses that have come into our hands are able to pass through these delicate membranes.
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7. Avoid contact with carrier animals. especially rodents imported from abroad, such as rats, rabbits, etc.

  • Reason: The animal is a carrier or source of the monkey pox virus.

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