Quick and Cost-Effective Solutions to Relieve Your Child’s Cold Symptoms in Just 48 Hours!

Researchers in the UK have discovered a cheap and easy way to shorten the duration of children’s colds by two days. According to recent research from the University of Edinburgh, hypertonic saline nasal drops can cure children’s colds faster and reduce the chances of other family members getting sick.

“Children get 10 to 12 colds a year, which takes a toll on them and their families,” said Professor Steve Cunningham of the University of Edinburgh. Currently available medications help improve symptoms, but there is no cure that can cure the common cold faster.”

During the study, the researchers taught parents how to prepare saline drops and put them in the children’s noses. Three drops were administered in each nostril at least four times a day, benefiting 150 children. On the other hand, 151 children were given conventional treatment, including cold medicine.

Professor Cunningham said, “The children who used the saline drops had cold symptoms for an average of six days, compared to eight days for the children who received conventional treatment.” “Children receiving saline drips required less medication during the illness.”

The study found that the transmission rate of colds was less than 50 percent in families using salt water drops, compared to 61 percent in families using conventional treatment. 82 percent of parents said that saline drops were effective in treating their children, and 81 percent were determined to continue using the drops in the future.

How does salt water reduce cold symptoms?

Consultant virologist Sandeep Ramalingam, who led the research, said people in South Asia often use salt water solutions to treat colds. According to experts, saline spray provides moisture to the dry nasal muscles, and helps to clear the stuffy nose. In addition, saline sprays or washes can help remove pollen and other allergens and protect against some infections.

Doctors say that hypochlorous acid is produced from chloride on the back surface of the nose, which helps in defense against viruses. “Providing more chloride causes these cells to produce more hypochlorous acid, which reduces virus copies and shortens the duration of symptoms.”

How to use saline spray effectively?

Using saline nasal spray correctly can make it more effective:

  1. First, gently clean the nose to remove most of the material and debris.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Tilt your head slightly and keep your mouth closed.
  4. Pinch one nostril.
  5. Place the tip of the spray bottle in one nostril and aim it towards the back of the nose.
  6. Repeat the same process with the other nostril.

This simple method can shorten the duration of children’s colds and prevent other people from getting sick.

#Inexpensive #relieve #children #cold #days #discovered #Life #Style
2024-09-09 22:31:34

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Hypertonic Saline Nasal Drops: A Breakthrough in Reducing the Duration of Children’s Colds

A recent study from the⁣ University of Edinburgh has discovered a cheap and easy way to shorten ‌the duration of children’s colds by two days. The researchers found that using hypertonic saline nasal drops can not ⁢only ⁣cure children’s ⁢colds faster‍ but also reduce the chances of other family​ members getting sick. In this article, we will delve into⁣ the benefits of hypertonic ⁤saline nasal drops, how they work, and provide guidance on how to use them effectively.

The ⁢Benefits of Hypertonic Saline Nasal ‌Drops

The study, which involved 301 children, found that those who used hypertonic saline nasal drops had cold symptoms for an average of six days, compared to eight days for those who received conventional treatment. Moreover, the children who used the saline drops required less ⁤medication during their illness. The‍ transmission rate of colds was also significantly lower in ‍families using salt water drops, with⁢ a transmission rate of less than 50 percent compared to 61 percent⁤ in families ⁢using conventional treatment.

How Hypertonic Saline Nasal Drops Work

According to experts, hypertonic saline nasal drops provide moisture ⁣to the dry nasal muscles, helping to clear the stuffy nose. They also help remove pollen and other allergens, protecting against ​some infections [[1]]. Additionally, the chloride in the saline solution helps to produce hypochlorous‍ acid on the back surface of the nose, which defends against viruses ⁤ [[3]].⁣ By providing more chloride, these cells produce more hypochlorous acid, reducing virus copies and shortening the ⁢duration of symptoms.

Using Hypertonic Saline Nasal Drops Effectively

To ⁢use hypertonic ⁤saline nasal drops effectively, parents can follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare the saline drops by mixing salt and water according to the recommended ratio.
  2. Place three drops ⁤in each nostril at least four times⁤ a ⁣day.
  3. Encourage your child to blow their nose gently after administering the drops to help clear out any mucus.

It is essential to note that hypertonic⁣ saline nasal drops are not only⁣ effective in⁣ reducing the duration of ⁣cold symptoms but also provide a natural and gentle way to clean the nasal cavities [[2]]. In fact, 82‌ percent of parents in the study ‌said⁢ that saline drops were effective in treating ‌their children, and 81 percent were determined to continue using the drops in the ‌future.


Hypertonic saline nasal drops offer a cheap and easy way to shorten the duration of children’s colds,⁣ reduce the transmission rate of‌ colds, and provide a natural way to​ clean the nasal cavities. By understanding how they work and ‌following ‍the simple steps to use them effectively, ​parents can provide⁣ their children with‍ a faster ‍and more natural way to recover from colds.





How do hypertonic saline nasal drops help reduce the duration of colds in children?

Hypertonic Saline Nasal Drops: A Breakthrough in Reducing the Duration of Children’s Colds

A recent study from the University of Edinburgh has discovered a cheap and easy way to shorten the duration of children’s colds by two days. The researchers found that using hypertonic saline nasal drops can not only cure children’s colds faster but also reduce the chances of other family members getting sick. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of hypertonic saline nasal drops, how they work, and provide guidance on how to use them effectively.

The Benefits of Hypertonic Saline Nasal Drops

The study, which involved 301 children, found that those who used hypertonic saline nasal drops had cold symptoms for an average of six days, compared to eight days for those who received conventional treatment. Moreover, the children who used the saline drops required less medication



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