Questions Emerge Regarding Genoa’s Influence on Bucci’s Campaign Strategy

Genova. Among the many comments, from various political quarters, on the news of the candidacy of Marco Bucci at the presidency of the Liguria Region, yesterday, there was no comment from Andrea Orlando. The former PD minister preferred to let the dramatic turn of events settle. But today, from the Festa dell’Unità in the historic center of Genoa, he spoke, with a few, measured, words about his opponent.

“I hope that the Municipality of Genoa is not used as an electoral committee”said Orlando who, however, also underlined the double bond between his opponent and the former governor Toti: “With Bucci as an opponent it will be a campaign in which we will have to discuss the issue of continuity – said Orlando – and it seems to me that the message they want to give is that of continuity with the Toti administration”.

Then a dig at the entire centre-right: “Bucci himself said it – says Orlando – the definitive and decisive step was a phone call from Giorgia MelonsBucci is ultimately Giorgia Meloni‘s candidate and this also says a lot about the state of health of the Ligurian right”.

Finally, unlike other allies or members of his own party, he does not imagine or ask for resignation of the mayor but is instead banking on his defeat: “I hope that Bucci does not resign, in the sense that I hope he can continue his mandate after the election campaign”.

The Bucci issue closed, the Democratic MP prefers to talk about the electoral campaign just started and which will be concentrated in 45 days all possible effort: “We will organize 250 appointments to try to be in all of Liguria, we have fewer resources than our opponents but we will do an important job, there are a people, a network, there are many people who have asked us to be present everywhere”.

And on the program: “We will build a plan with a listening ability, before presenting it we will organize four meetings in which we will try to understand the indications and questions that society and citizens will want to ask us, to build with them a platform with which we will travel the last mile of the election campaign”.

On the topics Andrea Orlando returns to talk about sustainable industry and infrastructure, but also of interests and crime: “The only no that we want to say with great force is no to the mafias, to the cliques, to the cliques that we intend to fight against. We are for a sustainable reindustrialization of our region and for this we know that we must strengthen the infrastructure network, but not only roads and railways, but also the infrastructures necessary for the development of the new economy, for renewable energy sources, for digital tools, for large calculation structures: all things that must be at the center of all programs. From this point of view I hope that there is a comfort that is no longer based on caricatures of other people’s positions”.

Meanwhile, work continues on consolidate the coalition. Even after Renzi’s position on Bucci, the inclusion of Italy Alive it has not been formalized: “Let’s continue the discussion on how to give representation to the center that will be there, it will be strong and we will see in this passage what the best forms will be”.

What are Andrea Orlando’s main strategies ⁤for his electoral campaign ⁤against Marco Bucci in the Liguria Region?

Genoa: Andrea Orlando Speaks Out ​on⁢ Marco Bucci’s Candidacy and Kicks Off Electoral Campaign

In‌ a surprise​ move, ⁢Marco Bucci, the mayor of Genoa, announced his candidacy for the ‍presidency of the Liguria Region, leaving many in the political sphere stunned. Among⁤ those who initially remained silent was Andrea Orlando, the⁤ former PD minister and current candidate​ for the presidency of the Liguria Region. However, Orlando ‌broke his silence today from the Festa dell’Unità in the historic center of Genoa, addressing his⁣ opponent and outlining his strategy⁤ for the upcoming electoral campaign.

A Focus on Continuity and the Toti Administration

Orlando ‍expressed his hope that the Municipality of Genoa would not be used as an electoral committee, highlighting the close ties between Bucci and former governor Toti. “With Bucci as‌ an opponent, it ‌will be a campaign in which we will ⁣have to discuss the ⁢issue of continuity,” Orlando stated, adding that the message they want ‍to convey ​is one of continuity with the Toti administration [[3]].

A​ Dig at the Centre-Right and Giorgia Meloni

Orlando also took a swipe at the centre-right, pointing out that Bucci’s candidacy was facilitated by a phone ⁢call from Giorgia Meloni. “Bucci is ultimately Giorgia Meloni’s candidate, and this also says a lot about the state of health of the⁤ Ligurian right,” Orlando said, implying that Bucci’s candidacy is a testament to the centre-right’s influence in the region [[3]].

No Resignation, ‌But Defeat

Unlike some of his allies, Orlando did not call for Bucci’s resignation as ​mayor. Instead, he hopes that Bucci will continue his mandate after the election​ campaign, implying that he is confident ⁣in his own chances of winning [[3]].

Electoral​ Campaign Strategy

Orlando outlined his electoral campaign strategy, which ​will involve organizing 250 appointments across Liguria in just 45 days.⁢ Despite having fewer⁣ resources than‌ his opponents, ‍Orlando is determined to make a strong showing, leveraging the support of his network and the people who⁣ have asked him to be present⁢ everywhere in the region [[3]].

Listening and Building a Plan

Before presenting his program, Orlando plans to hold four meetings to understand the needs and concerns of citizens and⁢ society. This will enable him ‍to build a platform that addresses the issues at hand​ and travels the “last mile of the election​ campaign” [[3]].

Sustainable Industry, Infrastructure, and Combating Crime

Orlando emphasized the importance of sustainable industry and infrastructure development in Liguria, as well as the need to combat crime and mafia influences. ⁣”The only no that we ⁢want to ​say with great force is ⁣no ‌to the mafias, to the cliques, to the cliques that ​we intend to fight against,” Orlando declared, highlighting his commitment ‌to reindustrialization and strengthening the‌ region’s infrastructure network [[3]].

Background on Andrea Orlando

Andrea Orlando, a seasoned politician, has served as the Minister⁤ of Labor and Social Policies ‍in the Draghi government from‍ February 12, 2021, to October 21, 2022 [[1]]. He is⁤ now a candidate for the presidency of the Liguria Region, facing off against Marco Bucci in the upcoming elections.

As the electoral campaign heats up, Orlando’s measured words and strategic approach will likely be closely watched by voters in Liguria. With his focus on ⁤sustainable development, combating crime, and building a strong platform, Orlando is poised to give Bucci a run for his money in the race for the presidency of⁤ the ⁢Liguria Region.

What are Andrea Orlando’s main critiques of Marco Bucci’s candidacy for the presidency of the Liguria Region?

Genoa: Andrea Orlando Speaks Out on Marco Bucci’s Candidacy and the Upcoming Election Campaign

In the wake of Marco Bucci’s candidacy for the presidency of the Liguria Region, former PD minister Andrea Orlando has broken his silence, speaking out at the Festa dell’Unità in the historic center of Genoa. Orlando, who is running as the candidate of the center-left coalition, had previously chosen not to comment on the news, preferring to let the dramatic turn of events settle.

A Focus on Continuity and Reindustrialization

Orlando highlighted the double bond between his opponent, Marco Bucci, and the former governor Toti, emphasizing that the message being conveyed is one of continuity with the Toti administration. He also took a dig at the entire center-right, stating that Bucci is ultimately Giorgia Meloni’s candidate, which says a lot about the state of health of the Ligurian right [[2]].

Resignation Not on the Table

Unlike some of his allies or party members, Orlando does not imagine or ask for the resignation of the mayor, instead banking on his defeat. He hopes that Bucci will continue his mandate after the election campaign.

Electoral Campaign Plans

Orlando outlined his plans for the electoral campaign, which will be concentrated in 45 days. He aims to organize 250 appointments to be present throughout Liguria, despite having fewer resources than his opponents. He emphasized the importance of building a plan with a listening ability, with four meetings planned to understand the indications and questions of society and citizens [[2]].

Sustainable Industry and Infrastructure

Orlando reiterated his commitment to sustainable industry and infrastructure, as well as the fight against mafias, cliques, and crime. He stressed the need to strengthen the infrastructure network, including roads, railways, and digital tools, to support the development of the new economy and renewable energy sources [[2]].

Coalition Building

While work continues on consolidating the coalition, the inclusion of Italy Alive has not been formalized, despite Renzi’s position on Bucci. Orlando’s focus remains on building a strong coalition to support his candidacy.

Andrea Orlando’s Background

Andrea Orlando, a professor at the University of Genoa, has taught Informatics Tools for Civil Engineering and has been involved in various research projects in the field of computer-aided design and geographic information systems [[1]]. He has also been involved in politics, serving as the Minister of Justice from 2014 to 2018.

Andrea Orlando has spoken out on Marco Bucci’s candidacy and the upcoming election campaign, highlighting his focus on continuity, reindustrialization, and sustainable infrastructure. With his background in academia and politics, Orlando is poised to make a strong case for his candidacy and build a strong coalition to support his bid for the presidency of the Liguria Region.







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