Quesaco: odynophagia, a new symptom linked to Omicron infection

(ETX Daily Up) – Odynophagia is a new symptom of a Covid-19 infection. According to a Swedish study, these pains in the throat mainly affect young and vaccinated patients.

Swedish researchers believe they have discovered a new symptom due to contamination with Covid-19. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the Omicron variant may cause odynophagia, a disorder characterized by pain when swallowing. According to the researchers, young and vaccinated patients are mainly concerned.

To carry out their research, Dr. Pr Krzysztof Piersiala and his team analyzed the profile of patients admitted to ENT departments. This is the branch of medicine specializing in disorders related to the nose, throat and ears. The duration of their observation extended from January 1 to 23, 2022. In total, the specialists retained 20 patients, 15 of whom were “fully vaccinated”.

Odynophagie, quesaco ?

The word is composed of the Greek terms “odunê”, for pain and “phagein” which means to eat. It refers to pain when the food or liquid ingested causes pain as it passes through the esophagus. This is not a disorder specific to the Omicron variant, many have been able to experience it during a viral infection.

According to the researchers, the Omicron variant is characterized by a decrease in patients suffering from loss of taste or smell. “The Omicron variant seems to mainly affect the upper respiratory tract and cause acute laryngitis without olfactory dysfunction” specify the specialists in their conclusion.



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