Quebec’s Health Insights: Exploring the State of Wellness in the Province

2024-09-17 15:16:19

The National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) put online this Tuesday a new tool allowing to explore, in the form of graphs, different indicators of public health in Quebec.

Published at 11:16 a.m.

What indicators can we find?

This tool currently includes 19 indicators. For example, we find the number of deaths from road accidents or cancer, but also indicators on mental health, or the number of single-parent families in Quebec.

Everything is presented in the form of graphs allowing you to visualize the data according to gender or age, and to compare different regions of Quebec, Canadian provinces or countries, when the figures are available.

“It’s an achievement that is not very common in the world, to offer such a vast and popularized tool,” emphasizes Marie-Hélène Lussier, coordinator of the web dissemination of data on the health status of the INSPQ.

Who is this new tool for?

This data could be used by researchers or doctors, but is also made available to the media and the general public.

“I’m a data geek myself, so all this interests me enormously,” says Marie-Hélène Lussier. “If the population asks itself, for example, ‘How many people die of cancer each year in Quebec?’, this is information that is easily accessible and that we hope is digestible enough for people who can ask themselves these questions.”

Some salient figures

Among the figures presented, we can observe for example that life expectancy in the province is 83.2 years; with British Columbia, Quebec stands out as having the highest life expectancy in North America.

The prevalence of diabetes in people aged 1 year and older has remained stable in recent years, when adjusting for changes in age groups.

And the drowning mortality rate is higher among seniors than among young children (1.6 per 100,000 for those aged 65 and over, compared to 1.3 per 100,000 for those aged 0-4).

Some precautions

Marie-Hélène Lussier, however, warns the public against the risk of errors in the interpretation and understanding of data when using such a tool.

We are used to disseminating information that requires a certain level of statistical skills. It is certainly aimed more at an informed audience.

Marie-Hélène Lussier, coordinator of the web dissemination of health status data from the INSPQ

Misinterpretations of the data could potentially lead to misinformation that could circulate on social media. “But our communications teams are very alert,” she adds. “We will jump on the information to correct the situation, if necessary.”

Information is available on the INSPQ website on how to properly interpret the data.

Consult the INSPQ public health indicator
#Quebec #health #figures

– What types of public health indicators can users explore with⁤ the new online tool‌ in Quebec?‍

Exploring Public Health⁣ in Quebec: ⁢A New Online Tool Unveiled

The National Institute of Public‍ Health of Quebec (INSPQ) has recently launched an innovative online tool that enables ‍users to explore ⁤and‌ visualize ​various public health indicators in Quebec. This comprehensive platform provides valuable insights into the health status of⁣ the Quebec population, offering a wide range of⁢ data on topics such as mortality rates, mental​ health, and disease ⁤prevalence.

What Indicators Can We Find?

The tool currently features 19 indicators, including the number of deaths ⁤from road accidents​ or cancer, as well as data on mental‌ health and the number of single-parent families in Quebec. The ‌information is ⁢presented in an ⁤interactive and user-friendly format, allowing users to visualize the data according‌ to gender or age‌ and compare ‍different regions of Quebec, Canadian provinces, or countries.

“This is an achievement that is not very common in the world, to offer such a ‌vast and popularized tool,” said Marie-Hélène Lussier, coordinator‍ of ⁣web dissemination of data on health ‍status‌ at the INSPQ. “If the ‌population asks itself, for example, ‘How many ​people die of cancer each year in Quebec?’, this information‌ is easily ⁣accessible and digestible​ enough ‌for people who can ask⁣ themselves these questions.”

Who is this New Tool for?

While the tool is ⁤primarily ⁣designed for researchers and healthcare professionals, it is also accessible⁤ to the media and the general public. This platform​ aims to provide valuable insights and facilitate a deeper understanding ⁢of public health trends in Quebec, making‌ it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in health-related issues.

Some Salient Figures

The tool offers a wealth of information,⁣ including some⁣ notable statistics:

Life expectancy in Quebec is 83.2 years,‌ making it one ⁤of the highest⁢ in North America.

The prevalence of diabetes in people aged 1 year and⁣ older has remained stable in recent years, when adjusting for changes in age

As trends in mortality rates and mental health issues. Here are some questions related to the topic:

Exploring Public Health in Quebec: A New Online Tool Revolutionizes Access to Data

The National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) has launched a groundbreaking online tool that allows users to explore various public health indicators in the province through interactive graphs. This innovative platform, available to the general public, researchers, and healthcare professionals, provides a wealth of information on Quebec’s health status, promoting transparency and facilitating informed decision-making.

What Indicators Can We Find?

The tool currently features 19 indicators, covering a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Mortality rates: Deaths from road accidents, cancer, and other causes.
  2. Mental health: Prevalence of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.
  3. Family dynamics: Number of single-parent families in Quebec.
  4. Life expectancy: Average lifespan in Quebec, as well as comparisons with other provinces and countries.

These indicators are presented in an easily digestible format, allowing users to visualize data by gender, age, and geographic region. This enables comparisons between different regions of Quebec, Canadian provinces, and even countries, when applicable.

Who Is This New Tool For?

This valuable resource is designed for a broad audience, including:

  1. Researchers: To facilitate in-depth analysis and studies on public health trends in Quebec.
  2. Healthcare professionals: To inform their practice and provide better care to patients.
  3. Media: To access reliable and up-to-date data for reporting on public health issues.
  4. The general public: To empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Some Salient Figures

The data available through this tool reveals some striking insights into Quebec’s health status, such



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