“Quartier Vert Challenge: Inspiring Young People to Live Their Passion and Protect the Environment”

2023-04-29 22:00:06

The 50-year-old gives advice to young people: “It’s to believe in their dreams and live their passion. Me what I live today is my passion, my dream, to live in a green environment, to have a lot of things that I can use in my house to eat, with my family and have fun. “Better to take change by the hand before it grabs us by the throat”, this quote from Winston Churchill, refers to the idea of ​​environmental protection by young people. During a 10-day mission along the Casamance River, Abdou Touré saw firsthand the catastrophic situation in certain localities, due to the consequences of global warming, which pushes young people to migrate to Dakar or take canoes to see elsewhere.

A documentary which relates the facts, was shot in partnership with Europeans in this direction. Women, who are more vulnerable, are the real victims of this ecological disaster. According to Abdou Touré, they are affected, economically, physically, mentally. Thus, the initiator of “Quartier Vert Challenge” recommends solutions to end the crisis.

“What I tell people is to have the courage to stay and find solutions, because if we don’t look for solutions, we won’t get out of it because running away is not the solution! » « At a certain moment, Dakar is crowded with people, it is suffocating, there is hydrocarbon pollution, but also, there is violence, because the people of Dakar feel asphyxiated, and it is visible in their discussion; many people want to leave Dakar to go elsewhere, because Dakar has become infernal”, laments Abdou Touré, Initiator of “Quartier Vert Challenge”.

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