Quantic Lab still lied to the creators of Cyberpunk 2077


As we remember, release Cyberpunk 2077 turned into a disaster for CD Projekt Red: The game was so riddled with bugs that it had to be removed from sales on the PlayStation. Lawsuits were filed against the Polish studio, the Polish authorities took up its verification, the developers had to cancel the online part and redraw content release plans. But worst of all, the developers have lost the trust of the players.

Some time ago online there were rumorsthat a third-party company was partially involved in the problems with Cyberpunk 2077, Quantic Lab. However, its leadership is outraged denied the allegationsstating that the authors of the leak simply do not understand how the testing process works.
Edition PC Gamer decided to find out how the testing process goes in the Quantic Lab itself. To do this, the journalists spoke with a dozen employees of the Romanian company – while eight of them have already managed to quit. And those on condition of anonymity toldthat Quantic Lab wasn’t just lying to CD Projekt Red.

According to employees, Quantic Lab consistently took on more projects than it could physically handle. Because of this, the staff of testers was stretched as much as possible for all tasks, and often one employee led several projects at once.

The situation came to a head when the management signed contracts for the testing of Cyberpunk 2077 and NBA 2K21. Both large projects managed to staff a full staff of testers, but out of 30 people, only ten had work experience, and that was less than a year. CD Projekt is said to have approached management several times about the unsatisfactory performance of the team.

According to sources, testers were required to fill out many reports of the most minor errors and minor graphical glitches in order to fulfill the daily plan set by Quantic Lab management. Because of this, they were never able to identify the larger problems, including the inability to progress through the main quest.

The company’s management did its best to hide the lack of staff and low qualifications of employees. Testers were required not to report their work experience and to use the accounts of absent employees to report some bugs, including those who were employed on other projects or left a long time ago.

The contract with Quantic Lab expired in 2021 and CD Projekt did not renew it. Cyberpunk 2077 was tested by the studio’s own quality department and a number of outsourcers, including QLOC. But if Quantic Lab contributed as expected, it would help the studio buy valuable time to fix bugs.

Quantic Lab did not comment on the revelations of its employees.

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