Qiu Xiaxuan shares her son’s recent situation, 6-year-old Pata rarely shows his face – Wenxue City

Source of the article: Detective Entertainment on 2024-08-27 21:30:30 – The news is taken from major news media, and the content of the news does not represent the position of this website!

On August 25, actress Choo Ja-hyun shared a vlog on her personal social media platform showing her taking her son Pata to work abroad. The old mother also wrote: “Departing to Dubai, go go go.” She also said that she was able to balance work and entertainment, and her schedule was packed.

At the beginning of the vlog, Choo Ja-hyun told the camera that she was going to Dubai to shoot a magazine, and her son Pata happened to be on summer vacation, so she took the little guy with her. From Choo Ja-hyun’s smiling face, we can see that she is really happy to go to Dubai to work with her baby son.

On the day of departure, Choo Ja-hyun looked very young. She wore a baseball cap, delicate red lip makeup, and her clothes were very fashionable. Whether it was her appearance, figure, or overall condition, Choo Ja-hyun did not look like she was 45 years old. Her maintenance skills were enviable.

Choo Ja-hyun wore a hat and a mask to cover her face, and it was hard to recognize her at first glance. On the other hand, our Pata baby showed his face directly on his mother’s social account this time. Although Pata had revealed his true face on a foreign variety show earlier, Choo Ja-hyun and her husband Yu Xiaoguang usually don’t show their son’s face. This time, Choo Ja-hyun directly revealed the face of Pata baby, which really gave fans a big surprise.

Choo Ja-hyun pushed the suitcase cart, and Pata sat on it. The little guy looked handsome in a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. Pata was very happy to be pushed by his mother, and the bright smile on his face was super cute.

Qiu Xiajun also took a close-up shot of her son’s little face. Baby Pata inherited all the good-looking genes from his parents. He looks like both his father and mother and is very handsome.

When looking at his mother’s camera, Pata is also smiling, and it can be seen that the little baby has a very nice personality. And when he smiles, Pata looks very much like his father Yu Xiaoguang, but his eyebrows and eyes are very similar to his mother Qiu Xiuyan. I have to admit that the little guy is really growing up, and has perfectly inherited all the good looks of his parents.

Choo Ja-hyun asked her son to say hello to the camera and say goodbye. Little Pata looked quite shy. Choo Ja-hyun turned her head to look at her son and smiled happily. Baby Pata appeared in profile, showing the same bright smile as his mother, handsome and cute.

Pata said goodbye to the camera with his mother. The little guy’s smile was always the same. He looked so handsome at the age of 6. He will definitely be a handsome man who surpasses his father when he grows up.

Qiu Xiaxuan and her son walked towards the boarding gate. As they walked, she told her son to say goodbye to everyone. He raised his little arm to wave, but he didn’t turn his head to look at the camera.

Pata stood beside his mother with his back to the camera. Although the little guy is only 6 years old, his height is already quite outstanding. Qiu Xiuyan and her husband Yu Xiaoguang are both tall, so baby Pata will definitely be a tall person in the future.

In fact, Choo Ja-hyun doesn’t show her baby’s photos very often, and Pata’s face is even rarer. But a long time ago, when Choo Ja-hyun was sharing her daily life, she accidentally exposed a photo taken by Pata. From the photos of that year, it can be clearly seen that baby Pata has really grown up in proportion, cute and handsome.

Qiu Xiajun and her husband Yu Xiaoguang have been married for many years and their relationship has always been pretty good. Although Yu Xiaoguang has been involved in scandals and controversies many times, Qiu Xiajun always accompanies her husband through the “difficulties” in the end. Today, their son Pata is already 6 years old, and the couple’s relationship is still as sweet as before, which is really rare. So I hope that Qiu Xiajun and Yu Xiaoguang will continue to be loving and sweet in the future, and baby Pata will continue to grow up healthy and happy.

The picture comes from the Internet



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