Qatar’s Diplomatic Efforts: A Glimmer of Hope in the Israeli Conflict

2023-10-30 01:26:10

Doha: International rules and peacekeeping missions are flying in the wind. The eyes of the world as Israel’s attack continues with death in All hail to Qatar’s diplomatic efforts. 22 days following death in war After the number passed 8000, Israel did not begin the campaign. However, the world is hopeful that Qatar’s mediation efforts will succeed. . Exchange of ideas with various heads of state in the last three weeks Tati and other Arab states continue to interfere.

Four hostages from Hamas prison were captured through Qatar’s intervention Made possible the release of Release of remaining hostages and possible temporary ceasefire It also came alive on Friday evening in the Arab media. After his arrival, on the same night Israel bombarded the The increase once more caused concern.

Internet connection in Gaza completely blacked out Kia was the biggest bombardment to date. Th. Qatar, Egypt, Turkey and the United Nations Let us consider this attack as a blow to Dhana’s efforts. Qatar is making it clear that the mission has not ended. It was given to the international media ‘CNN’ last day. Spokesperson of Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Majid Al Ansari repeated this.

The death toll is mounting and innocent, including women and children. Release the hostages if the attack continues and creates apprehension. He made it clear that the effort including No.

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