Qatar is confident that the truce will be extended beyond four days – news

The current agreement provides for a truce that will last until today, the day on which Hamas releases 50 people. Israel, in turn, agreed to release three Palestinian prisoners for each hostage

Qatar’s Foreign Affairs spokesman, Majed al Ansari, said he expected Hamas and Israel to extend the truce that allowed the first hostage exchange beyond four days.

“What we hope is that the momentum generated from the releases of these two days and this four-day agreement will allow us to further extend the truce and thus begin more serious talks about the rest of the hostages,” said the spokesperson in statements to CNN.

Al Ansari indicated that Qatar continues to mediate the release of more people in a context of distrust between the parties, who accuse each other of not fulfilling their part of the agreement.

“We hope that on the third day of this break we can resolve all the details that made this day so difficult,” he said.

The official also said that they are working with Egypt, the United States and the parties to the conflict to ensure that the agreed humanitarian aid, around 300 trucks with food, medical equipment and fuel, is authorized to enter the Gaza Strip.

On October 7th, Hamas took around 240 people hostage, of which half a hundred have already been released since Friday, as part of the agreement reached between Hamas and Israel which, in return, also released almost a hundred prisoners. Palestinians, including women and children.

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